

c++ Programming Glossary: gldouble

Glew problems, unresolved externals


15 float orbitDegrees 0 clock_t sTime float fPS int fCount GLdouble modelV GLdouble projM GLint vPort Lights settings GLfloat light_ambient.. 0 clock_t sTime float fPS int fCount GLdouble modelV GLdouble projM GLint vPort Lights settings GLfloat light_ambient 0.1f.. 0 sTime clock CLOCKS_PER_SEC render glDisable GL_LIGHTING GLdouble pos 3 gluUnProject 100 yPos 14 modelV projM vPort pos 0 pos..

thread safety of MPI send using threads created with std::async


Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL


w glViewport 0 0 w h void drawObject std function void GLdouble drawSolid std function void GLdouble drawWireframe GLdouble.. std function void GLdouble drawSolid std function void GLdouble drawWireframe GLdouble size glPushAttrib GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS.. drawSolid std function void GLdouble drawWireframe GLdouble size glPushAttrib GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS glEnable GL_COLOR glDisable..

Edges on polygon outlines not always correct


GenerateLinePoly const std vector std vector GLdouble input std vector GLfloat output int width output.clear if input.size.. GenerateLinePoly const std vector std vector GLdouble input std vector GLfloat output int width output.clear if input.size..

How to get VBO working


glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluOrtho2D 0.0f GLdouble w 0.0f GLdouble h and add this line under glutDisplayFunc display.. glLoadIdentity gluOrtho2D 0.0f GLdouble w 0.0f GLdouble h and add this line under glutDisplayFunc display glutReshapeFunc.. glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluOrtho2D 0.0f GLdouble w 0.0f GLdouble h void display glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT glColor3f..

Opengl: 2d HUD over 3D


GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 40.0 GLdouble x GLdouble y 0.5 20.0 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glViewport 0.. glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 40.0 GLdouble x GLdouble y 0.5 20.0 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glViewport 0 0 x y glClear..