

c++ Programming Glossary: gldrawelements

Pointers on modern OpenGL shadow cubemapping?


1 GL_FALSE glm value_ptr depthProjectionMatrix glDrawElements renderedObjects i getDrawType renderedObjects i getElementSize..

Reading from framebuffer GLSL to OpenCV


textureID glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D textureID glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES 6 GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT indices c opengl opencv opengl..

Rendering issue with different computers


ID 102 Severity Medium Type Performance Source API Message glDrawElements uses element index type 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE' that is not optimal..

Opengl Vertex attribute stride


If it has any importance I draw the primitives like this glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES surface GetIndexCount 3 GL_UNSIGNED_INT surface..

Generate a plane with triangle strips


glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 getVertices width height glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP getIndicesCount width height GL_UNSIGNED_INT..

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++


0 normals 0 glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 texcoords 0 glDrawElements GL_QUADS indices.size GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT indices 0 glPopMatrix..

Calculating normals in a triangle mesh


0 indices glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES 60000 GL_UNSIGNED_INT indices glDisableClientState.. GL_FLOAT 0 normal glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES 60000 GL_UNSIGNED_INT indices glDisableClientState..