

python Programming Glossary: app_access_token

Tornado Framework (FacebookGraphMixin)


36 in module main File send.py line 33 in main test.get app_access_token player_id File send.py line 15 in get callback self.async_callback.. class Send tornado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin def get self app_access_token player_id self.facebook_request player_id apprequests post_args.. an app request from my Tornado application access_token app_access_token callback self.async_callback self._on_post def _on_post self..

What is verify token in Facebook Realtime API


to pull the feeds from my 'facebook PAGE'. I've obtained app_access_token... app_access_token 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' url 'https.. from my 'facebook PAGE'. I've obtained app_access_token... app_access_token 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' url 'https graph.facebook.com.. ' FB_CLIENT_ID ' subscriptions access_token ' app_access_token url_params 'access_token' app_access_token 'object' 'page' 'fields'..