

python Programming Glossary: arange

Embedding a matplotlib figure inside a WxPython panel


for a Panel with a matplotlib canvas from numpy import arange sin pi import matplotlib matplotlib.use 'WXAgg' from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg.. wx.GROW self.SetSizer self.sizer self.Fit def draw self t arange 0.0 3.0 0.01 s sin 2 pi t self.axes.plot t s if __name__ __main__..

How can I attach a pyplot function to a figure instance?


from django.http import HttpResponse from numpy import arange meshgrid from matplotlib.mlab import bivariate_normal def show_chart.. bivariate_normal def show_chart request delta 0.025 x arange 3.0 3.0 delta y arange 2.0 2.0 delta X Y meshgrid x y Z1 bivariate_normal.. show_chart request delta 0.025 x arange 3.0 3.0 delta y arange 2.0 2.0 delta X Y meshgrid x y Z1 bivariate_normal X Y 1.0 1.0..

How to prevent numbers being changed to exponential form in Python matplotlib figure


is very small. To avoid this simply turn it off plt.plot arange 0 100 10 1000 arange 0 100 10 ax plt.gca ax.get_xaxis .get_major_formatter.. this simply turn it off plt.plot arange 0 100 10 1000 arange 0 100 10 ax plt.gca ax.get_xaxis .get_major_formatter .set_useOffset..

Hiding axis text in matplotlib plots


random prefix 6.18 rx prefix 0.001 random.random for i in arange 100 ry prefix 0.001 random.random for i in arange 100 plt.plot.. for i in arange 100 ry prefix 0.001 random.random for i in arange 100 plt.plot rx ry 'ko' frame1 plt.gca for xlabel_i in frame1.axes.get_xticklabels..

Is it possible to plot implicit equations using Matplotlib?


something like import matplotlib.pyplot from numpy import arange from numpy import meshgrid delta 0.025 xrange arange 5.0 20.0.. arange from numpy import meshgrid delta 0.025 xrange arange 5.0 20.0 delta yrange arange 5.0 20.0 delta X Y meshgrid xrange.. meshgrid delta 0.025 xrange arange 5.0 20.0 delta yrange arange 5.0 20.0 delta X Y meshgrid xrange yrange # F is one side of..

matplotlib.pyplot/pylab not updating figure while isinteractive(), using ipython -pylab


import time ion tstart time.time # for profiling x arange 0 2 pi 0.01 # x array line plot x sin x for i in arange 1 200.. x arange 0 2 pi 0.01 # x array line plot x sin x for i in arange 1 200 line.set_ydata sin x i 10.0 # update the data draw #..

Python Tkinter Embed Matplotlib in GUI


matplotlib sys matplotlib.use 'TkAgg' from numpy import arange sin pi from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg.. # f Figure figsize 5 4 dpi 100 a f.add_subplot 111 t arange 0.0 3.0 0.01 s sin 2 pi t a.plot t s dataPlot FigureCanvasTkAgg..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided as ast A np.arange 36 .reshape 6 6 print A # 0 1 2 3 4 5 # 6 7 8 9 10 11 # ..... strides strides if __name__ '__main__' from numpy import arange A arange 144 .reshape 12 12 print block_view A 0 0 # 0 1 2 #.. strides if __name__ '__main__' from numpy import arange A arange 144 .reshape 12 12 print block_view A 0 0 # 0 1 2 # 12 13 14..

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?


614 ax5 fig.add_subplot 615 ax6 fig.add_subplot 616 x arange 0 2 pi 0.01 y sin x line1 ax1.plot x y 'r ' line2 ax2.plot x.. second plt.ioff tstart time.time # for profiling for i in arange 1 200 line1.set_ydata sin x i 10.0 # update the data line2.set_ydata.. as plt import numpy as np import time x np.arange 0 2 np.pi 0.01 y np.sin x fig axes plt.subplots nrows 6 styles..