

python Programming Glossary: arg

`xrange(2**100)` -> OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int


2 100 ` OverflowError long int too large to convert to int xrange function doesn't work for large integers.. large to convert to int xrange function doesn't work for large integers N 10 100 xrange N Traceback most recent call last.. most recent call last ... OverflowError long int too large to convert to int xrange N N 10 Traceback most recent call..

Python string formatting: % vs. .format


the difference # usr bin python sub1 python string sub2 an arg a i am a s sub1 b i am a 0 .format sub1 c with kwarg s 'kwarg'.. an arg a i am a s sub1 b i am a 0 .format sub1 c with kwarg s 'kwarg' sub2 d with kwarg .format kwarg sub2 print a print.. a i am a s sub1 b i am a 0 .format sub1 c with kwarg s 'kwarg' sub2 d with kwarg .format kwarg sub2 print a print b print..

Terminating a Python script


details from the sys module documentation sys. exit arg Exit from Python. This is implemented by raising the SystemExit.. intercept the exit attempt at an outer level. The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status defaulting.. the exit attempt at an outer level. The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status defaulting to zero..

Call a parent class's method from child class in Python?


Performing a getattr() style lookup in a django template


^ d register template.Library def getattribute value arg Gets an attribute of an object dynamically from a string name.. object dynamically from a string name if hasattr value str arg return getattr value arg elif hasattr value 'has_key' and value.has_key.. string name if hasattr value str arg return getattr value arg elif hasattr value 'has_key' and value.has_key arg return value..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


of the chcp code page and also reads Unicode command line arguments. Credit to Michael Kaplan for the idea behind this solution... e # While we're at it let's unmangle the command line arguments # This works around http bugs.python.org issue2128 . GetCommandLineW.. LPCWSTR POINTER c_int CommandLineToArgvW windll.shell32 argc c_int 0 argv_unicode CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref..

Python: Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?


Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function In a similar way to using varargs.. be passed to a function In a similar way to using varargs in C or C fn a b fn a b c d ... python parameters function.. Yes. This is simple and works if you disregard keyword arguments def manyArgs arg print I was called with len arg arguments..