

python Programming Glossary: app_name

Django: python manage.py runserver gives RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp


validation.py line 35 in get_validation_errors for app_name error in get_app_errors .items File Library Python 2.7 site.. db models loading.py line 72 in _populate self.load_app app_name True File Library Python 2.7 site packages django db models.. line 96 in load_app models import_module '.models' app_name File Library Python 2.7 site packages django utils importlib.py..

Getting “Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named MySQLdb” - have tried previously posted solutions


line 257 in fetch_command klass load_command_class app_name subcommand File Users joerobinson .virtualenvs dj_tut lib python2.6.. module import_module ' s.management.commands. s' app_name name File Users joerobinson .virtualenvs dj_tut lib python2.6..

Why don't my south migrations work?


apps for each app run python manage.py schemamigration app_name initial this will create the initial migration files for your.. your app then run south migrate python manage.py migrate app_name this will add the tables to the database. Setting up a legacy.. for each of your apps run python manage.py schemamigration app_name initial This will create your initial migrations for each of..

How to setup PostgreSQL Database in Django?


line 261 in fetch_command klass load_command_class app_name subcommand File C Python27 lib site packages django core management.. module import_module ' s.management.commands. s' app_name name File C Python27 lib site packages django utils importlib.py..

Saving Django model from Scrapy project


db models loading.py line 61 in _populate self.load_app app_name True File users ale virtualenvs books lib python2.6 site packages.. loading.py line 76 in load_app app_module import_module app_name File users ale virtualenvs books lib python2.6 site packages..

How do I add a link from the Django admin page of one object to the admin page of a related object?


or cls.model.__name__.lower def link self instance app_name app or instance._meta.app_label reverse_path admin s_ s_change.. or instance._meta.app_label reverse_path admin s_ s_change app_name reverse_name link_obj getattr instance field None or instance..

Django PIL : IOError Cannot identify image file


for the second time def image_resizer image name size app_name length height im Image.open image if im.mode RGB im im.convert.. im create_thumb im length height posit str MEDIA_ROOT ' ' app_name ' ' image_2 im image_name name size '.jpg' imageurl posit image_name.. image_2.save imageurl 'JPEG' quality 80 url_image ' ' app_name ' ' image_name return url_image Versions Django 1.3.1 Python..