

python Programming Glossary: app_label

Getting “Permission denied” page in the admin, while user has permission


queries mysql select from django_content_type id name app_label model more stuff 9 magasin securite_v2 magasin more stuff.. instance as first argument which get's evaluated to app_label content_type name so has_perm will always return False . Instead..

Defining a model class in Django shell fails


django db models base.py line 51 in __new__ kwargs app_label model_module.__name__.split '.' 2 IndexError list index out.. so it fails. To get around this you'll need to specify the app_label yourself in the Meta class from django.db import models class.. models.DateTimeField 'date published' ... class Meta ... app_label 'test' For explanation of why you can do that look at that file..

django auto filling some data based on model attribute


models.ForeignKey User null True blank True related_name app_label s_ class s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id.. models.ForeignKey User null True blank True related_name app_label s_ class s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id..

Can you give a Django app a verbose name for use throughout the admin?


You can give your application a custom name by defining app_label in your model definition. But as django builds the admin page.. django builds the admin page it will hash models by their app_label so if you want them to appear in one application you have to..

Django - How to change the name of an App?


with the following command UPDATE django_content_type SET app_label ' NewAppName ' WHERE app_label ' OldAppName ' Also if you have.. django_content_type SET app_label ' NewAppName ' WHERE app_label ' OldAppName ' Also if you have models you will have to rename..

How to debug: Internal Error current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block


. id django_content_type . name django_content_type . app_label django_content_type . model FROM django_content_type WHERE django_content_type.. . model taggable AND django_content_type . app_label charfield_autocomplete args 'taggable' 'charfield_autocomplete'..