

python Programming Glossary: argc

Why does PyImport_Import fail to load a module from the current directory?


improve this question You need to call PySys_SetArgv int argc char argv int updatepath for the relative imports to work. This.. should do the trick #include Python.h int main int argc char argv Py_SetProgramName argv 0 optional but recommended.. 0 optional but recommended Py_Initialize PySys_SetArgv argc argv must call this to get sys.argv and relative imports PyRun_SimpleString..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


this answer. #include cv.h #include highgui.h int main int argc char argv cv Mat img cv imread argv 1 std cout Original image..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


unordered_map.hpp #include boost foreach.hpp int main int argc char argv using namespace std open input file if argc 2 cerr.. int argc char argv using namespace std open input file if argc 2 cerr Usage argv 0 filename n exit 2 wifstream f argv argc.. 2 cerr Usage argv 0 filename n exit 2 wifstream f argv argc 1 assume the file has utf 8 encoding locale utf8_locale locale..

Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer


pad sinkpad gst_object_unref sinkpad int main int argc char argv GMainLoop loop GstBus bus GstElement source GstElement.. GstElement colorspace Initializing GStreamer gst_init argc argv loop g_main_loop_new NULL FALSE gst launch 0.10 rtspsrc..

How To catch python stdout in c++ code


the output s n PyString_AsString output int main int argc char argv Py_Initialize PythonPrinting print 123 PythonPrinting.. below #include Python.h #include string int main int argc char argv std string stdOutErr import sys n class CatchOutErr..

How to get transparent background in window with PyGTK and PyCairo?


0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 cr.rectangle 0 0 0.9 0.8 cr.fill def main argc global win win gtk.Window win.set_decorated False win.connect.. 1 2 widget.get_size 0 2 0 pi 2 cr.fill def main argc win gtk.Window win.set_decorated False # Makes the window paintable..

Boost-python How to pass a c++ class instance to a python class


.def greet World greet .def set World set int main int argc char argv Py_Initialize try PyRun_SimpleString class Person..

How do I prevent a C shared library to print on stdout in python?


does not print anything #include stdio.h int main int argc const char argv char buf 20 int saved_stdout dup 1 freopen dev..

How would you implement a basic event-loop?


for Qt you would do this in main int main QApplication app argc argv init code return app.exec Which in this case app.exec is..

Read Unicode characters from command-line arguments in Python 2.x on Windows


POINTER LPWSTR cmd GetCommandLineW argc c_int 0 argv CommandLineToArgvW cmd byref argc if argc.value.. argc c_int 0 argv CommandLineToArgvW cmd byref argc if argc.value 0 # Remove Python executable and commands if present.. argc c_int 0 argv CommandLineToArgvW cmd byref argc if argc.value 0 # Remove Python executable and commands if present start..

KeyError in module 'threading' after a successful py.test run


0x00007ffff68e576d in __libc_start_main main 0x41b980 main argc 2 ubp_av 0x7fffffffe5f8 init optimized out fini optimized out..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


LPCWSTR POINTER c_int CommandLineToArgvW windll.shell32 argc c_int 0 argv_unicode CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref.. 0 argv_unicode CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref argc argv argv_unicode i .encode 'utf 8' for i in xrange 0 argc.value.. argc argv argv_unicode i .encode 'utf 8' for i in xrange 0 argc.value if not hasattr sys 'frozen' # If this is an executable..