

python Programming Glossary: approximate

These spectrum bands used to be judged by eye, how to do it programmatically?


good method to compute the width of each band given their approximate X axis positions given that this task used to be performed perfectly.. signal processing share improve this question Given an approximate starting point you could use a simple algorithm that finds a.. np.exp ts 0.4 0.1 2 2 np.exp ts 0.8 0.1 2 # Say we have an approximate starting point of 0.35 start_point 0.35 # Nearest index in ts..

Matching incorrectly spelt words with correct ones in python


difflib package which has a get_close_matches function for approximate string matching import difflib difflib.get_close_matches word..

Is there easy way in python to extrapolate data points to the future?


main factor. That means I am absolutely fine with the very approximate extrapolation technique. python numpy interpolation spline..

Search for string allowing for one mismatch in any location of the string


you looked at biopython It appears that you want to find approximate matches with one substitution error and zero insertion deletion.. Cython to get reasonable speed. Some work on bit parallel approximate Levenshtein searches with skipping has been done by Navarro.. from this technical report . The algorithm there is for approximate search usin Levenshtein distance. To convert to using Hamming..

What are “first class” objects? [closed]


deltaX small positive number returns a function that is an approximate derivative of f function makeDerivative f deltaX var deriv function..

What python libraries can tell me approximate location and timezone given an IP address?


python libraries can tell me approximate location and timezone given an IP address Looking to implement..

python floating number


a very large range of numbers in only 64 bits they must approximate to some extent. It is very important to be aware of this because..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


1 2 3 q may be one point or a batch of points. eps approximate nearest dist 1 eps true nearest p use 1 distance p weights optional.. one sided Wendel mathoverflow.com leafsize 10 eps .1 # approximate nearest dist 1 eps true nearest p 1 # weights ~ 1 distance p..

Find out how much memory is being used by an object in Python


and an updated big chunk of code out there to try to best approximate the size of a python object in memory. There's also some simpler..

Floating point equality in python


in python Is there a function to test floating point approximate equality in python Something like def approx_equal a b tol return..

Sqlite3, OperationalError: unable to open database file


for some reason. Checking the obvious reasons why and in approximate order that I recommend checking Is the program running on the..

Good Python modules for fuzzy string comparison?


edit distance and edit operations string similarity approximate median strings and generally string averaging string sequence..

multiprocessing.Pool - PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'thread.lock'>: attribute lookup thread.lock failed


The Queue is being used for two purposes to find out the approximate size by calling qsize to store results for later retrieval...

Finding an optimal solution that minimizes a constraint?


suggests . The set cover problem is NP hard and hard to approximate but in practice branch and bound using the dual of the linear..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


Look at it this way in the first approach we try to approximate some decision rules based on a limited number of sample. In..