

python Programming Glossary: arg3

Redirect command prompt output to a python generated window


projpath arg1 ' t Rebuild' arg2 ' p Configuration Release' arg3 ' p Platform x86' p subprocess.call self.msbuild projpath arg1.. x86' p subprocess.call self.msbuild projpath arg1 arg2 arg3 if p 1 return False return True python python 2.7 wxpython..

When running a python script in IDLE, is there a way to pass in command line arguments (args)?


could do something like idle.py r scriptname.py arg1 arg2 arg3 You can also set sys.argv manually like try __file__ except..

Python — Speed Up Imports?


and get the results pathToModule.MyFunction arg1 arg2 arg3 Running this here is what I find the avg. time it takes to import..

Python function overloading


class or instance def some_implementation self arg1 arg2 arg3 # implementation my_class.add_bullet some_implementation_of_add_bullet..

IronPython integration with C#/ .NET


context TFuncType func T0 arg0 T1 arg1 T2 arg2 T3 arg3 at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute6 T0 T1 T2.. T2 T3 T4 T5 TRet CallSite site T0 arg0 T1 arg1 T2 arg2 T3 arg3 T4 arg4 T5 arg5 at IronPython.Runtime.Importer.Import CodeContext.. Object arg0 Object arg1 Object arg2 Object arg3 at Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.ReflectedCaller.Invoke Object args..