

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:11

iphone Programming Glossary: nsurlcache

Need content in UIWebView to display quickly


Safari counterparts. Others on the Apple forums report experiences with rude engineers when asking about UIWebView and NSURLCache where in bug reports the engineers say it should work but actual developers say it doesn't. http discussions.apple.com thread.jspa.. Has anyone been able to successfully get the URL loading system on iPhone to pay attention to custom versions of NSURLCache It seems to me that it's being ignored. More info here a link to this page removed. See the second answer on that page.. found at http www.cocoabuilder.com archive message cocoa 2009 8 10 242484 with no further replies Further proof that NSURLCache can work is found in iCab Blog URL filtering for UIWebView on the iPhone Aug 18 2009 Anyone here probably should also look..

How do I do an Asychronous NSURLConnection inside an NSOperation?


start if self isCancelled self willChangeValueForKey @ isExecuting executing YES set up the thread and kick it off... NSURLCache sharedURLCache removeAllCachedResponses NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http google.com NSThread detachNewThreadSelector.. NSURL url self.downloadAndParsePool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init done NO self.characterBuffer NSMutableData data NSURLCache sharedURLCache removeAllCachedResponses NSURLRequest theRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL url urlConnection NSURLConnection..

How to save the content in UIWebView for faster loading on next launch?


And in my case it works . What you need to understand is the global flow YOU loadRequest on a UIWebView This goes into NSURLCache to ask is there something cached for this request NSCachedURLResponse cachedResponseForRequest NSURLRequest request From.. From that here's what I do to handle the cache on the disk on my side to speed up the load of a UIWebView Subclass the NSURLCache and override the get control over the NSCachedURLResponse cachedResponseForRequest NSURLRequest request selector Reimplement.. subclass and set it to the system so that it is used by your application Now the code MyCache.h @interface MyCache NSURLCache @end MyCache.m @implementation MyCache NSCachedURLResponse cachedResponseForRequest NSURLRequest request NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains..

NSMutableURLRequest timeout interval not taken into consideration for POST requests


request addValue WS_HOST forHTTPHeaderField @ Host request addValue @ text xml forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSURLCache sharedURLCache setDiskCapacity 0 self addToQueueRequest request withDelegate delegate ' iphone objective c post nsurlconnection..

Html5 cache manifest in a UIWebView?


applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application I thought this might help I don't see any difference though. NSURLCache cache NSURLCache sharedURLCache cache setDiskCapacity 512 1024 CGRect frame UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame UIWebView.. UIApplication application I thought this might help I don't see any difference though. NSURLCache cache NSURLCache sharedURLCache cache setDiskCapacity 512 1024 CGRect frame UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame UIWebView webView UIWebView..

Does NSURLConnection take advantage of NSURLCache?


NSURLConnection take advantage of NSURLCache I'm trying to figure out how to use the URL loading framework to load URLs taking advantage of caching. I am using NSURLConnections.. to NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad. The first time I load a request it does automatically get put in the cache NSURLCache sharedCache has it . But the next time I load the same request the NSURLConnection seems to ignore what's in the cache and.. iOS 5 onwards provide a sharedURLCache that has both memory and disk capacity. Nothing will cache unless you set the NSURLCache to have some capacity A 10MB cache. This a good avatar image cache size but might be too large for your app's memory requirements...

How to clear UIWebView cache?
