

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsxmlparserdelegate

how to parse the attributes like in this xml file through xml parser


help you I have done the related work a few days ago. First .h file @interface EventsViewController UIViewController NSXMLParserDelegate NSMutableArray _idArray NSMutableArray _isbnArray BOOL isBook Then in .m file you should write this. In ViewDidLoad void..

iOS NSXMLParsing unformed HTML


url NSXMLParser parser NSXMLParser alloc initWithContentsOfURL url parser.delegate self parser parse #pragma mark NSXMLParserDelegate methods void parser NSXMLParser parser didStartElement NSString elementName namespaceURI NSString namespaceURI qualifiedName..

How to use NSXMLParser to parse parent-child elements that have the same name


The following code shows a class that does this job #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface Test NSObject NSXMLParserDelegate @private NSXMLParser xmlParser NSInteger depth NSMutableString currentName NSString currentElement void start @end This.. NO xmlParser setShouldResolveExternalEntities NO xmlParser parse #pragma mark #pragma mark NSXMLParserDelegate methods void parserDidStartDocument NSXMLParser parser NSLog @ Document started nil depth 0 currentElement nil void parser..

NSXMLParserDelegate compile problem - iPhone SDK 30. vs 4.0


compile problem iPhone SDK 30. vs 4.0 My header file is defined like this #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface Warning.. This compiles and works just fine under 3.0. If I try to compile with 4.0 I get this error does not implement the 'NSXMLParserDelegate' protocol If I add @interface Warning NSObject NSXMLParserDelegate It compiles fine with 4.0 but when I try to compile with.. with 4.0 I get this error does not implement the 'NSXMLParserDelegate' protocol If I add @interface Warning NSObject NSXMLParserDelegate It compiles fine with 4.0 but when I try to compile with 3.0 I get error cannot find protocol declaration for 'NSXMLParserDelegate'..

NSXMLParserDelegate and iPhone SDK 3.1.X


and iPhone SDK 3.1.X I have an app on the store which was built for 3.1.2 but which was crashing under 4.0GM. I've fixed.. fixed the crash problem using Xcode 3.2.3 but was also getting warnings that such and such class did not implement NSXMLParserDelegate. I added to the headers and everything seemed fine. I've now submitted the app and it's waiting for review. This latest.. up the project in Xcode 3.2.2 and when building against base SDK of 3.1.2 I'm getting compile errors saying that NSXMLParserDelegate does not exist. Does this mean my app that is waiting for review is going to crash under 3.1.2 devices This is strange because..

Pesky new lines and whitespace in XML reader class


NSDictionary resultDict dictionaryStack objectAtIndex 0 return resultDict return nil #pragma mark #pragma mark NSXMLParserDelegate methods void parser NSXMLParser parser didStartElement NSString elementName namespaceURI NSString namespaceURI qualifiedName..

Xcode: Pass NSString from one class to another problem


is the ParseOperation code only the part that uses localEntry ParseOperation.h @interface ParseOperation NSOperation NSXMLParserDelegate NSString localEntry @property nonatomic retain NSString localEntry @end ParseOperation.m @synthesize localEntry void parser..

NSXMLParser retrieving wrong data from XML tags


Foundation.h #import XMLNode.h #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED __IPHONE_3_2 @interface XMLParser NSObject NSXMLParserDelegate #else @interface XMLParser NSObject #endif XMLNode rootElement XMLNode tempElement NSMutableString temp NSMutableArray elements..

When to use properties in objective C?


but I will re post it here #import UIKit UIKit.h #import MyManager.h @interface ListOfCarShares UITableViewController NSXMLParserDelegate NSURLConnection connection NSMutableData carsharexml NSMutableArray ldestination NSMutableArray ldeparts_from NSMutableArray..