

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsvaluetransformer

How can I encrypt CoreData contents on an iPhone


individual properties in your Core Data model entities by making them transformable properties then creating an NSValueTransformer subclass which will encrypt and decrypt the data for that property. While this is not the whole database decryption that..

Core Data data model: attribute type for UIColor


A transformable attribute is underneath the covers a binary data attribute but Core Data will automatically use the NSValueTransformer of your specification to serialize and unserialize the logical attribute value for you. For values that are NSCoding compliant..

What can I do with an Transformable attribute type in Core Data on the iPhone?


it good for Are there good examples I'd like to play around with this. So after searching a while I came across this NSValueTransformer. Seems to be something I need for this. So how would I get started with this For example if I wanted to store an UIColor.. an NSData instance that contains the image's PNG representation. This is all handled transparently for you by a custom NSValueTransformer. You may also wish to encrypt individual attributes within your Core Data model as I describe here . Using a transformable..

How should I store UIImages within my Core Data database?


is pretty easy to do. You just need to mark your image attribute as a transformable one and create a subclass of NSValueTransformer. Within that subclass add code like the following Class transformedValueClass return NSData class BOOL allowsReverseTransformation..

Storing NSAttributedString Core Data


In Core Data i have an transformable in the database and i us my own NSVauleTransformer. This is a subclass of NSValueTransformer and creates an attributed string from the data object and back. Therefore i created a class called PersistableAttributedString..