

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:11

iphone Programming Glossary: nsurlconnection

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


data NSData compress NSData data void uploadSucceeded BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector.. serverURL boundry BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded.. BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded NO Now wait for the..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me to have a delegate object which in turn will handle data events. Could someone.. back a plain text response. iphone objective c ios share improve this question You can use NSURLConnection as follows Set your NSURLRequest Use requestWithURL NSURL theURL to initialise the request. If you need.. void setValue NSString value forHTTPHeaderField NSString field Send your request in 2 ways using NSURLConnection Synchronously NSData sendSynchronousRequest NSURLRequest request returningResponse NSURLResponse response..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData.. setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self..

How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?


to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert I have the following simple code to connect to a SSL webpage.. to connect to a SSL webpage NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest urlRequest returningResponse nil error error Except it gives an error if the.. this question There is a supported API for accomplishing this Add something like this to your NSURLConnection delegate BOOL connection NSURLConnection connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace NSURLProtectionSpace..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPBody postbody NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest request returningResponse nil error nil returnString NSString alloc initWithData..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSURL url boundry NSString boundry data NSData data NSData compress NSData data void uploadSucceeded BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that.. NO return NSURLRequest urlRequest self postRequestWithURL serverURL boundry BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded NO Now wait for the URL connection to call us back... urlRequest self postRequestWithURL serverURL boundry BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded NO Now wait for the URL connection to call us back. Uploader Private postRequestWithURL..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


to have one of my first applications to perform a HTTP POST request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me to have a delegate object which in turn will handle data events. Could someone please clarify the task with a practical example I should.. sending authentication data username and password and getting back a plain text response. iphone objective c ios share improve this question You can use NSURLConnection as follows Set your NSURLRequest Use requestWithURL NSURL theURL to initialise the request. If you need to specify a POST request and or HTTP headers use NSMutableURLRequest.. setHTTPMethod NSString method void setHTTPBody NSData data void setValue NSString value forHTTPHeaderField NSString field Send your request in 2 ways using NSURLConnection Synchronously NSData sendSynchronousRequest NSURLRequest request returningResponse NSURLResponse response error NSError error This returns a NSData variable that..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


msgLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView else.. @ Content Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL..

How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?


to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert I have the following simple code to connect to a SSL webpage NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL.. SSL for an untrusted cert I have the following simple code to connect to a SSL webpage NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest urlRequest returningResponse nil error error Except it gives an error if the cert is a self signed one Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code.. accept or a way to bypass it iphone ssl https share improve this question There is a supported API for accomplishing this Add something like this to your NSURLConnection delegate BOOL connection NSURLConnection connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace NSURLProtectionSpace protectionSpace return protectionSpace.authenticationMethod..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPBody postbody NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest request returningResponse nil error nil returnString NSString alloc initWithData returnData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSLog @ @ returnString..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


data NSData data NSData compress NSData data void uploadSucceeded BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer... self postRequestWithURL serverURL boundry BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded NO Now wait.. serverURL boundry BOUNDRY data data if urlRequest self uploadSucceeded NO return NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest urlRequest delegate self if connection self uploadSucceeded NO Now wait for the URL connection to..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


perform a HTTP POST request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me to have a delegate object which in turn will handle data events. Could someone please clarify the.. password and getting back a plain text response. iphone objective c ios share improve this question You can use NSURLConnection as follows Set your NSURLRequest Use requestWithURL NSURL theURL to initialise the request. If you need to specify a POST.. NSData data void setValue NSString value forHTTPHeaderField NSString field Send your request in 2 ways using NSURLConnection Synchronously NSData sendSynchronousRequest NSURLRequest request returningResponse NSURLResponse response error NSError..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data.. @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView..

How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?


to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert I have the following simple code to connect to a SSL webpage NSMutableURLRequest.. simple code to connect to a SSL webpage NSMutableURLRequest urlRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest urlRequest returningResponse nil error error Except it gives an error if the cert is a self signed.. https share improve this question There is a supported API for accomplishing this Add something like this to your NSURLConnection delegate BOOL connection NSURLConnection connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace NSURLProtectionSpace protectionSpace..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


@ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPBody postbody NSData returnData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest request returningResponse nil error nil returnString NSString alloc initWithData returnData encoding..

Xml parsing in iOS tutorial


any one know simple tutorial or any sample code that is used to integrate xml parsing in my app. iphone ios xcode nsurlconnection nsxmlparser share improve this question Please use below links for best XML parsing examples and practice. Using below..

Getting Image from URL/server


fine. Could someone please help me in understanding why I'm not getting the Image from server Thanks iphone uiimage nsurlconnection share improve this question If all you are trying to do is grab an image from a web server via a URL there is an easier..

NSURLConnection timeout?


the site doesn't respond the delegates don't get called. Any ideas on how to timeout the connection iphone timeout nsurlconnection share improve this question You can specify a timeout in your NSURLRequest object. One way to do this is to construct..

NSMutableURLRequest timeout interval not taken into consideration for POST requests


sharedURLCache setDiskCapacity 0 self addToQueueRequest request withDelegate delegate ' iphone objective c post nsurlconnection share improve this question According to a post on the Apple developer forum the minimum timeout interval for POST is..

Changing the userAgent of NSURLConnection


the user agent string right now it is AppName AppVersion CFNetwork 459 Darwin 10.0.0.d3 iphone cocoa cocoa touch nsurlconnection share improve this question NSString userAgent @ My Cool User Agent NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http whatsmyuseragent.com..

Asynchronous request to the server from background thread


avoid this problem but it's just simple example real situation is more complex. Thanks in advance. objective c iphone nsurlconnection share improve this question Yes the thread is exiting. You can see this by adding void threadDone NSNotification arg..

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


stops scrolling. Not sure why. Any help would be great. iphone uitableviewcell uiimageview uitableviewcontroller nsurlconnection share improve this question The reason the connection delegate messages aren't firing until you stop scrolling is because..

error handling with NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest


how can i wait for request to get complete. because that method can't proceed without data. iphone error handling nsurlconnection share improve this question sendSynchronousRequest returningResponse error gives you a way to get an error right there..

iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection


is just instead of theData . Probably some lame mistake somewhere but I can't seem to find it Any ideas iphone post nsurlconnection share improve this question Your data is wrong. If you expect the data to be found in the _POST array of PHP it should..

Are there complete examples that make use of all the NSURLConnection delegate methods?


Maybe there's a good text out there. I went already through all the Apple material regarding this. iphone nsurlconnection share improve this question Here's an implementation I've been working with lately .h NSMutableData responseData .m..

How to make an progress bar for an NSURLConnection when downloading a file?


has to be downloaded Probably in bytes... And then I have to do some math to get the percentage iphone progress bar nsurlconnection share improve this question In your NSURLConnection delegate implement something like this to find out the total content..

iPhone SDK: How do you download video files to the Document Directory and then play them?


a video file from a server. Which is what seems to be my major problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. iphone nsurlconnection downloading share improve this question Your code will work to play a movie file. The simplest way to download is synchronously..

iOS: How can i receive HTTP 401 instead of -1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication


and not what NSURLConnection made out of it. Is there a way to receive the original 401 http packet iphone http ios nsurlconnection share improve this question Yes. Stop using the synchronous API. If you use the asynchronous delegate based API then..

NSURLConnection and grand central dispatch


queue ^ NSString result self mySynchronousHttp someURLToInvoke If I need to cancel dispatch_suspend queue iphone nsurlconnection grand central dispatch share improve this question I recommend you to see WWDC Sessions about network application in..

Download music file from server and save in my app


but it does not really work for me. Here is the screenshot of what I am trying to do. iphone ios4 mp3 file download nsurlconnection share improve this question This questions discusses what you're looking for Edit If you want to download a file THEN..

How to download a large file with the iPhone SDK and avoid memory usage issues?


@ UTF 8 baseURL baseURL What can I improve here to avoid these memory usage problems iphone memory management nsurlconnection share improve this question If it's that large why not write it to the file as it comes in rather than keeping it in..

why [response expectedContentLength] always return -1


1. Maybe someone know why I tried use long but effect was the same. Thanks for help. iphone ios ipad connection nsurlconnection share improve this question The expected content length is only set when the server provides it such as by a Content..

how to send Asynchronous URL Request?


this it works well self performSelectorInBackground @selector shouldCheckForUpdate withObject nil iphone ios xcode nsurlconnection nsurlrequest share improve this question you can use NSURLConnection class NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL..

how to use sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:


connection if you have any examples tutorials to help me figure out how to apply it that would be awesome iphone ios nsurlconnection share improve this question PArt 1 NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlString NSURLRequest urlRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL..

When to call release on NSURLConnection delegate?


to call release on NSURLConnection delegate When passing a delegate to the a NSUrlConnection object like so NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate handler when should you call release on the delegate..

what exactly NSUrlConnection ASynchronous means?


exactly NSUrlConnection ASynchronous means i am getting confused what is the difference between Synchronous NSUrlConnection and ASynchronous NSUrlConnection.. exactly NSUrlConnection ASynchronous means i am getting confused what is the difference between Synchronous NSUrlConnection and ASynchronous NSUrlConnection is there Synchronous or ASynchronous if we use detachNewThreadSelector in connectionDidFinishLoading.. ASynchronous means i am getting confused what is the difference between Synchronous NSUrlConnection and ASynchronous NSUrlConnection is there Synchronous or ASynchronous if we use detachNewThreadSelector in connectionDidFinishLoading method is it ASynchronous..

UITableView Lazy Image Load, images appear after table STOPS scrolling


Lazy Image Load images appear after table STOPS scrolling I implemented lazy image load for my UITableView using NSUrlConnection. This is all working very nicely. When I open my table I automatically get the images when I wait for a second on 3G . However.. answer thanks to the 'Related' feature to the right.. Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView You have to start NSUrlConnection in a different run loop so that you receive data while the table is scrolling. Thanks for the answers share improve this..

Post XML data to web server from iphone


the webserver xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 user user_id 12 user_id user help is appreciate now i am trying to use NSUrlConnection and NSMutableRequest i can post data on name like form post but i want to post just xml data. i have also tried to used..

NSURLConnection and grand central dispatch


and grand central dispatch Is it advisable to wrap up NSUrlConnection in a gcd style blocks and run it on a low_priority queue I need to ensure that my connections are not happening on the main.. I also need several simultaneous requests to go at once. If I go the gcd route I'm not sure which thread the NSUrlConnectionDelegate methods get invoked on. NSURLConnection relies on delegates so once the connection is complete whatever wrapper..

iPhone / .NET WCF Interoperability


a lot simpler as you wont have to worry about all the extra junk soap adds to the messages. Basically take a look at NSUrlConnection and NSXmlParser and read up on Key Value Coding makes the xml parsing a LOT easier and you'll have everything you need to..