

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsyearcalendarunit

Check if the time and date is between a particular date and time


currentTime NSDate date NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar NSDateComponents currentDateComps cal components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate currentTime Add the current year onto our date string NSString startDateStringWithYear..

How can i get next date using NSDate? [duplicate]


NSGregorianCalendar NSDateComponents todayComponents gregorian components NSDayCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate yourDate NSInteger theDay todayComponents day NSInteger theMonth todayComponents month NSInteger theYear todayComponents..

NSCalendar first day of week


NSCalendar alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar gregorian setFirstWeekday 0 unsigned unitFlags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit NSDateComponents todaysDate gregorian components..

iOS and finding Tomorrow


part and add 1 day then rebuild a date Decompose the date corresponding to now into Year Month Day components units NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSDateComponents comps NSCalendar currentCalendar components units fromDate NSDate..

Comparing two NSDates and ignoring the time component


share improve this question You set the time in the date to 00 00 00 before doing the comparison unsigned int flags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar NSDateComponents components calendar..

get NSDate today, yesterday, this Week, last Week, this Month, last Month… variables


yesterday cal dateByAddingComponents components toDate today options 0 components cal components NSWeekdayCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate NSDate alloc init components setDay components day components weekday 1 NSDate..

How do I calculate the number of days in this year in Objective C


not just gregorian. I have tried this NSUInteger days NSCalendar currentCalendar rangeOfUnit NSDayCalendarUnit inUnit NSYearCalendarUnit forDate NSDate date but that gives me the number of days in the current month instead of the number of days in the current.. calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar NSDate today NSDate date NSDateComponents components calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate today NSUInteger months calendar rangeOfUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit inUnit NSYearCalendarUnit forDate today .length.. components NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate today NSUInteger months calendar rangeOfUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit inUnit NSYearCalendarUnit forDate today .length for int i 1 i months i components.month i NSDate month calendar dateFromComponents components days..

How do you calculate the day of the year for a specific date in Objective C


NSGregorianCalendar NSUInteger dayOfYear gregorian ordinalityOfUnit NSDayCalendarUnit inUnit NSYearCalendarUnit forDate NSDate date gregorian release return dayOfYear where date is the date you want to determine the day of the year..

NSDate expressed in different time zones, i.e. local time zone (GMT-400) to PST


now NSDate date NSTimeZone tz NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT 8 3600 for PST NSDateComponents dc cal components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate now cal setTimeZone..

iPhone - get number of days between two dates


NSDate toDate inTimeZone NSTimeZone toTimeZone NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar unsigned unitFlags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit calendar setTimeZone..

Removing time components from an NSDate object using Objective C/Cocoa


Thanks in advance NSDate dateWithOutTime NSDate datDate if datDate nil datDate NSDate date unsigned int intFlags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar.. NSDate datDate if datDate nil datDate NSDate date NSDateComponents comps NSCalendar currentCalendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate datDate return NSCalendar currentCalendar dateFromComponents comps share..

How do I create the current date (or any date) as an NSDate without hours, minutes and seconds?


calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT 0 NSDateComponents dateComponents calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate self dateComponents setHour 0 dateComponents setMinute 0 dateComponents..

Difference between two NSDate objects — Result also a NSDate


alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar autorelease NSDateComponents components calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate dateA toDate dateB options 0 NSLog @ Difference in date components..

get current date from [NSDate date] but set the time to 10:00 am


alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar autorelease NSDateComponents components calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate now components setHour 10 NSDate today10am calendar dateFromComponents components..

Compare two NSDates for same date/time [duplicate]


a valid way to compare If not what is the correct alternative Here's my code NSDate dateWithNoTime unsigned int flags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar NSDateComponents components calendar..

How to check what day of the week it is (i.e. Tues, Fri?) and compare two NSDates?


for any help iphone objective c share improve this question You can use NSDateComponents for this unsigned units NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSCalendar gregorian NSCalendar alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar..