

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsweekcalendarunit

NSCalendar first day of week


gregorian setFirstWeekday 0 unsigned unitFlags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit NSDateComponents todaysDate gregorian components unitFlags fromDate NSDate date int dayOfWeek todaysDate.weekday.. 2 Sunday 1 Saturday 7 NSUInteger adjustedWeekdayOrdinal gregorian ordinalityOfUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit inUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit forDate NSDate date NSLog @ Adjusted weekday ordinal d adjustedWeekdayOrdinal Remember the ordinals for weekdays start at..

How to get all the days/dates in current week, this month, this year using the current date (today) in iPhone


NSDateComponents comps calendar components NSYearForWeekOfYearCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit fromDate date comps setWeekday 2 2 monday return calendar dateFromComponents comps share improve..

Number of weeks in month


initWithTimeInterval timeDifference sinceDate date1 Get conversion to months days hours minutes unsigned int unitFlags NSWeekCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit..

NSDate getting the last day of a month?


calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar NSDateComponents comps calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit fromDate curDate Get necessary date components set last of month comps setMonth comps month 1 comps..

Getting human readable relative times and dates from a unix timestamp?


NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar unsigned int unitFlags NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSWeekdayOrdinalCalendarUnit NSWeekdayCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSDateComponents..

Customizing UILocalNotification's alert


only text 1 or 2 buttons. To repeat a notification you have to define the repeatInterval property NSDayCalendarUnit NSWeekCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit... For further details you can go to Apple local and remote notifications reference..

iPhone local notification at particular time


myNewDate localNotification.timeZone NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone localNotification.repeatInterval NSWeekCalendarUnit UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification localNotification localNotification release iphone notifications..