

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:11

iphone Programming Glossary: nsurlerrordomain

How do I fix NSURLErrorDomain error -999 in iPhone 3.0 OS


do I fix NSURLErrorDomain error 999 in iPhone 3.0 OS I am trying to update my iPhone app to work with OS 3.0. I have a UIWebView that shows a page.. when I click a link it calls my delegate for didFailLoadWithError and the error is Operation could not be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 999. I verified this is still working with OS 2.2.1 so it is something changed in 3.0. Any ideas iphone iphone sdk..

How to download CSV file from server in Objective-C


NSURLConnection conn didFailWithError NSError error You'll find that you're getting an error of Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1000 bad URL UserInfo 0xf663f40 NSUnderlyingError 0xf663de0 bad URL NSLocalizedDescription bad URL I've looked into..

iphone: secure restfull server "The certificate for this server is invalid


for this server is invalid I am trying to consume secure restful service which gives error Error Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1202 The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be œxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx..

How to verify a website certificate in Cocoa Touch?


iphone cocoa https certificate verify share improve this question NSURLConnection will give you an error NSURLErrorDomain if you attempt to connect to a server with an invalid certificate e.g. it's self signed out of date has the wrong host etc...

iPhone: HTTPS client cert authentication


challenge and I fill the credential like I mentioned above but the connection ends with an error NSURLErrorDomain 1206 . According to the server logs the client certificate is not sent by the application. Has anybody any experience with..

NSURLErrorDomain error -1021


error 1021 I'm developing an app were I integrated dropbox. Login is done properly also I'm able to create folder in dropBox... file I'm getting error Following error I'm getting error making request to 1 files_put dropbox Info.plist Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1021 The operation couldn ™t be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 1021. UserInfo 0x6859bc0 destinationPath Info.plist.. request to 1 files_put dropbox Info.plist Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1021 The operation couldn ™t be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 1021. UserInfo 0x6859bc0 destinationPath Info.plist sourcePath Users bcod Library Application Support iPhone Simulator..

Displaying ppt, doc, and xls in UIWebView doesn't work but pdf does


NSMutableURLRequest about blank navType 5 webViewDidStartLoad didFailLoadWithError Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 100 UserInfo 0x122503a0 Operation could not be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 100. didFailLoadWithError Error Domain.. didFailLoadWithError Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 100 UserInfo 0x122503a0 Operation could not be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 100. didFailLoadWithError Error Domain WebKitErrorDomain Code 102 UserInfo 0x12253840 Frame load interrupted so obviously..

iPhone UIWebView: loadData does not work with certain types (Excel, MSWord, PPT, RTF)


that all picture types seem to work fine as well as PDFs while the more complex types don't. I get a errors such as NSURLErrorDomain Code 100 NSURLErrorDomain Code 102 WebView appears to need a truly working URL for accessing the documents as a file despite.. seem to work fine as well as PDFs while the more complex types don't. I get a errors such as NSURLErrorDomain Code 100 NSURLErrorDomain Code 102 WebView appears to need a truly working URL for accessing the documents as a file despite me offering all content..

Allow UIWebView to load http://localhost:port/path URIs without an Internet connection


the UIWebView ™s delegate gets a webView didFailLoadWithError message with the following NSError object Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1009 UserInfo 0x1b4a50 no Internet connection Clearly the SDK is being clever and detecting that it has no Internet..

iOS: How can i receive HTTP 401 instead of -1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication


NSURLConnection receives the HTTP Code 401 it does not return anything but an error object with code 1012 from the NSURLErrorDomain. 1012 corresponds to NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication . Since I have to parse the HTTP Header I need to get the original..

How to handle app URLs in a UIWebView?


it can be ignored in webView didFailLoadWithError void webView UIWebView wv didFailLoadWithError NSError error Ignore NSURLErrorDomain error 999. if error.code NSURLErrorCancelled return Ignore Fame Load Interrupted errors. Seen after app store links. if..

Bad URL when requesting with NSURL


UGu5NvcAHiXuGEGzkq format json limit 40 until 1286619821 But I got this message Failed with error Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1000 bad URL UserInfo 0x9e657a0 NSUnderlyingError 0x9e656a0 bad URL NSLocalizedDescription bad URL When I copied and..

didFailLoadWithError is called with UIWebView even though page later loads


delegate method is almost instantly called and the error object is Did fail load with error Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 999 The operation couldn ™t be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 999. UserInfo 0x1a66c0 NSErrorFailingURLKey www.somewebsite.com.. error object is Did fail load with error Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 999 The operation couldn ™t be completed. NSURLErrorDomain error 999. UserInfo 0x1a66c0 NSErrorFailingURLKey www.somewebsite.com NSErrorFailingURLStringKey www.somewebsite.com However.. instantly redirected via javascript or somehow else You can avoid showing the error by answer from here How do I fix NSURLErrorDomain error 999 in iPhone 3.0 OS like if error code NSURLErrorCancelled show error alert etc. but I don't know how to recognize..

How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?


urlRequest returningResponse nil error error Except it gives an error if the cert is a self signed one Error Domain NSURLErrorDomain Code 1202 UserInfo 0xd29930 untrusted server certificate . Is there a way to set it to accept connections anyway just like..