

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsview

When to use CALayer on the Mac/iPhone?


mentions in his comment UIViews are a thin wrapper around CALayers. On the Mac CALayers are much more lightweight than NSViews. As Ben points out you can go beyond the capabilities of implicit animations by working directly with CALayers even providing..

NSGenericException', reason: 'Unable to install constraint on view


on the higher of the two views. A good general way to do this is like this NSLayoutConstraint constraint ... NSView firstView constraint.firstItem NSView secondView constraint.secondItem firstView ancestorSharedWithView secondView addConstraint.. A good general way to do this is like this NSLayoutConstraint constraint ... NSView firstView constraint.firstItem NSView secondView constraint.secondItem firstView ancestorSharedWithView secondView addConstraint constraint Just a word of caution..

iPhone Curl Left and Curl Right transitions


do the curl by adding your view to the container view not your app's main view which does not have a transformed frame NSView parent viewController.view the main view NSView containerView UIView alloc initWithFrame parent.bounds autorelease containerView.transform.. view not your app's main view which does not have a transformed frame NSView parent viewController.view the main view NSView containerView UIView alloc initWithFrame parent.bounds autorelease containerView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation..

Remove all subviews?


subview share improve this question Edit With thanks to cocoafan This situation is muddled up by the fact that NSView and UIView handle things differently. For NSView desktop Mac development only you can simply use the following someNSView.. With thanks to cocoafan This situation is muddled up by the fact that NSView and UIView handle things differently. For NSView desktop Mac development only you can simply use the following someNSView setSubviews NSArray array For UIView iOS development.. and UIView handle things differently. For NSView desktop Mac development only you can simply use the following someNSView setSubviews NSArray array For UIView iOS development only you can safely use makeObjectsPerformSelector because the subviews..

UIBarButtonItem with custom image and no border


This works but if I have to repeat this process in 10 views this is not DRY. I suppose I have to subclass but what NSView UIBarButtonItem thanks regards iphone uibarbuttonitem share improve this question You can add a method to UIBarButtonItem..

port an iOS (iPhone) app to mac?


EDIT Classes heavily used in the game subclasses of NSObject UIView and UIViewController. I don't know much about NSView but I'm pretty sure all the UIView stuff will work in that class. Also some use of UITableViewController. I do also have..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


just need to change the way that we think about method swizzling slightly. Most swizzling is done like this @interface NSView NSObject void setFrame NSRect frame @end @implementation NSView MyViewAdditions void my_setFrame NSRect frame do custom.. slightly. Most swizzling is done like this @interface NSView NSObject void setFrame NSRect frame @end @implementation NSView MyViewAdditions void my_setFrame NSRect frame do custom work self my_setFrame frame void load self swizzle @selector setFrame.. The workaround has an added benefit of addressing other pitfalls as well. Here's what we do instead @implementation NSView MyViewAdditions static void MySetFrame id self SEL _cmd NSRect frame static void SetFrameIMP id self SEL _cmd NSRect frame..