

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:11

iphone Programming Glossary: nsurlconnectiondelegate

NSURLRequest : Post data and read the posted page


your friend. Aim to make all your url connections asynchronous so your UI remains responsive. You can do this with NSURLConnectionDelegate callbacks. NSURLConnection has a small drawback your code must be decoupled. Any variables you want available in the delegate.. NSUTF8StringEncoding Using a JSON library like JSONKit makes encoding things easier consider it Method 1 NSURLConnectionDelegate async callbacks .h @interface ViewController UIViewController NSURLConnectionDelegate @end .m @interface ViewController.. easier consider it Method 1 NSURLConnectionDelegate async callbacks .h @interface ViewController UIViewController NSURLConnectionDelegate @end .m @interface ViewController NSMutableData receivedData_ @end ... IBAction asyncButtonPushed id sender NSURL url NSURL..

Long polling with NSURLConnection


a connection on the server I'm sending small bits of JSON that represent events as they occur. I am finding that NSURLConnectionDelegate connection didReceiveData is not being called until after I close the connection regardless of the cache settings I use..

How to store a video/image file from a server in iPhone


NSUserDomainMask YES objectAtIndex 0 stringByAppendingPathComponent strFileName Your class must adopt 3 methods of NSURLConnectionDelegate protocol please read about Protocol and Delegate void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse..

iphone: secure restfull server "The certificate for this server is invalid


using following code RegisterUser.f @interface RegisterUser UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate NSURLConnectionDelegate RegisterUser.m IBAction SubmitBtnAction id sender NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ https xx.xx.xx.xxx 8223 jaxrs tunedoorgateway..

Testing class method using OCMock release 2.1.1


void enableMock id mock void disableMock NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest NSURLRequest request delegate id NSURLConnectionDelegate delegate @end Note that I'm interested in testing connectionWithRequest delegate and that I've extended the class to add.. ENABLE_MOCK_IMPL FakeNSURLConnection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest NSURLRequest request delegate id NSURLConnectionDelegate delegate return FakeNSURLConnection.sharedInstance connectionWithRequest request delegate delegate NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest.. connectionWithRequest request delegate delegate NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest NSURLRequest request delegate id NSURLConnectionDelegate delegate return nil @end So what's going on here First there are some macros which I will discuss below. Next I have overridden..

how to know when NSData's initWithContentsOfURL has finished loading.


theConnection receivedData NSMutableData data retain else inform the user that the download could not be made Now add NSURLConnectionDelegate to the header of your class and implement the following methods void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData..

NSURLConnectionDelegate connection:didReceiveData not working


connection didReceiveData not working I need some help regarding the NSURLConnectionDelegate method. void startDownload.. connection didReceiveData not working I need some help regarding the NSURLConnectionDelegate method. void startDownload NSString URLString NSString stringWithFormat appRecord.imageURLString NSURL url NSURL URLWithString.. that it is generated correctly and does return data 2 Check that you have properly declared that you conform to the NSURLConnectionDelegate protocol in the .h 3 Are you threading or messing with the runloops Messages to the delegate will be sent on the thread..

Does -dataWithContentsOfURL: of NSData work in a background thread?


from URL asynchronously you should use the NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection approach. You will have to implement the NSURLConnectionDelegate methods void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse response void connection NSURLConnection..

Download music file from server and save in my app


cancel method and do whatever other finishing up your download class is gonna need... For the progress bar in the NSURLConnectionDelegate method didReceiveResponse you take the NSURLResponse cast it to a NSHTTPURLResponse and retrieve the size of the file you're..

how to handle tiling of images on the fly


self deallocateResources isImageRequested NO Name connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge Description NSURLConnectionDelegate method. Method that gets called when server sends an authentication challenge. void connection NSURLConnection connection.. continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge challenge Name connection didReceiveResponse Description NSURLConnectionDelegate method. Method that gets called when response for the launched URL is received.. void connection NSURLConnection connection.. didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse response responseData setLength 0 Name connection didReceiveData Description NSURLConnectionDelegate method. Method that gets called when data for the launched URL is received.. void connection NSURLConnection connection..

Posting to yFrog objc


callback methods you need to implement http developer.apple.com library mac #documentation Foundation Reference NSURLConnectionDelegate_Protocol Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ intf NSURLConnectionDelegate didFailWithError is the big one if you're.. mac #documentation Foundation Reference NSURLConnectionDelegate_Protocol Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ intf NSURLConnectionDelegate didFailWithError is the big one if you're having issues. make sure you read all the NSError data and at a minimum log it...