

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nsutf8stringencoding

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return platform This works and apps using this have been lately approved in the AppStore...

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin.. @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin r n r n FORM_FLE_INPUT dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding.. data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding urlRequest setHTTPBody postData return urlRequest Uploader Private compress Uses zlib to compress..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey.. key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate.. NSData encryptString NSString plaintext withKey NSString key return plaintext dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString..

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


timeoutInterval 60.0 NSData requestData jsonRequest dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request.. The receivedData is then handled by NSString jsonString NSString alloc initWithData data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSDictionary jsonDict jsonString JSONValue NSDictionary question jsonDict objectForKey @ question This..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


URLWithString @ http example.com myscript.php request setDelegate self request setStringEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground YES other post keys values request setFile UIImageJPEGRepresentation..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


NSURLConnection connection NSString responseText NSString alloc initWithData self.data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding Do anything you want with it responseText release Handle basic authentication challenge if needed void..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


is nil NSString xmlStr NSString stringWithFormat @ d @ d s NSData data xmlStr dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename.. @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename @.jpg r n filename dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding.. NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSData dataWithData YOUR_NSDATA_HERE postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat..

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


hw.machine NULL size NULL 0 char machine malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return platform This works and apps using this have been lately approved in the AppStore. iphone objective c ios p2p devices share improve this..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


Type NSMutableData postData NSMutableData dataWithCapacity data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin r n r n FORM_FLE_INPUT dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin r n r n FORM_FLE_INPUT dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding urlRequest setHTTPBody postData.. dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding urlRequest setHTTPBody postData return urlRequest Uploader Private compress Uses zlib to compress the given data. Results The compressed data as a NSData..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String.. description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate nicely into an NSString it may be more convenient to write.. that wrap the functionality you need in forward and reverse... NSData encryptString NSString plaintext withKey NSString key return plaintext dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding..

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url cachePolicy NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval 60.0 NSData requestData jsonRequest dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type.. self if connection receivedData NSMutableData data retain The receivedData is then handled by NSString jsonString NSString alloc initWithData data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSDictionary jsonDict jsonString JSONValue NSDictionary question jsonDict objectForKey @ question This isn't 100 clear and will take some re reading but everything..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http example.com myscript.php request setDelegate self request setStringEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground YES other post keys values request setFile UIImageJPEGRepresentation self.image 100.0f withFileName NSString stringWithFormat..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


nil autorelease show void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSString responseText NSString alloc initWithData self.data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding Do anything you want with it responseText release Handle basic authentication challenge if needed void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


NSString s if s nil NSLog @ ERROR Parameter string is nil NSString xmlStr NSString stringWithFormat @ d @ d s NSData data xmlStr dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse setDelegate self xmlParse parse return NSString stringWithFormat..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


theRequest addValue msgLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain self displayConnectingView..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


@ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename @.jpg r n filename dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody.. NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename @.jpg r n filename dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSData.. dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSData dataWithData YOUR_NSDATA_HERE postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding..

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]


malloc size sysctlbyname hw.machine machine size NULL 0 NSString platform NSString stringWithCString machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding free machine return platform This works and apps using this have been lately approved in the AppStore. iphone objective..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


dataWithCapacity data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin r n r n FORM_FLE_INPUT.. stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name @ filename file.bin r n r n FORM_FLE_INPUT dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postData appendData data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. postData appendData data postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding urlRequest setHTTPBody postData return urlRequest Uploader Private compress Uses zlib to compress the given data...

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey.. AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate nicely into an.. forward and reverse... NSData encryptString NSString plaintext withKey NSString key return plaintext dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData..

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


cachePolicy NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval 60.0 NSData requestData jsonRequest dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request setValue @ application.. data retain The receivedData is then handled by NSString jsonString NSString alloc initWithData data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSDictionary jsonDict jsonString JSONValue NSDictionary question jsonDict objectForKey @ question This isn't 100 clear and..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http example.com myscript.php request setDelegate self request setStringEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground YES other post keys values request setFile UIImageJPEGRepresentation self.image..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


NSURLConnection connection NSString responseText NSString alloc initWithData self.data encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding Do anything you want with it responseText release Handle basic authentication challenge if needed void connection NSURLConnection..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


ERROR Parameter string is nil NSString xmlStr NSString stringWithFormat @ d @ d s NSData data xmlStr dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse setDelegate self..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


@ Content Length theRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST theRequest setHTTPBody parameterString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename @.jpg r n filename.. NSString stringWithFormat @ Content Disposition form data name userfile filename @.jpg r n filename dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. postbody appendData NSString stringWithString @ Content Type application octet stream r n r n dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData NSData dataWithData YOUR_NSDATA_HERE postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary..