

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:13

iphone Programming Glossary: nszone

Weird UITableViewCell Loading Exception


Apple Singleton example query?


if sharedReactor nil sharedReactor super allocWithZone NULL init return sharedReactor . id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedInstance retain id retain return self In the code where the singleton instance is created the sharedInstance.. seeing as retain is also overridden to return self. Can anyone explain this could it not be written id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedInstance id retain return self EDIT_001 Based on comments and reading various posts on the web I..

The best way to keep global variables in iPhone app


z##_shared_obj_name_ nil @ didn't catch singleton allocation return z##_shared_obj_name_ id allocWithZone NSZone zone @synchronized self if z##_shared_obj_name_ nil z##_shared_obj_name_ super allocWithZone zone return z##_shared_obj_name_..

Implementing NSCopying


conform to it @interface MyObject NSObject NSCopying Then in your object ™s implementation your .m file id copyWithZone NSZone zone Copying code here. What should your code do First create a new instance of the object ”you can call self class alloc.. BOOL and friends just set the variables to be equal. So for your obejct Vendor it ™d look like this id copyWithZone NSZone zone id copy self class alloc init if copy Copy NSObject subclasses copy setVendorID self.vendorID copyWithZone zone autorelease..

Custom sorting with NSFetchedResultController (subclassing NSSortDescriptor)


blog post 3 id copy return self copyWithZone nil id mutableCopy return self copyWithZone nil id mutableCopyWithZone NSZone zone return self copyWithZone zone id copyWithZone NSZone zone return MySortDescriptor alloc initWithKey self key ascending.. return self copyWithZone nil id mutableCopyWithZone NSZone zone return self copyWithZone zone id copyWithZone NSZone zone return MySortDescriptor alloc initWithKey self key ascending self ascending selector self selector id reversedSortDescriptor..

Using a singleton to create an array accessible by multiple views


stuff Singleton mySingleton if mySingleton mySingleton Singleton alloc init return mySingleton id allocWithZone NSZone zone if mySingleton mySingleton super allocWithZone zone return mySingleton else return nil id copyWithZone NSZone zone.. NSZone zone if mySingleton mySingleton super allocWithZone zone return mySingleton else return nil id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self void release NO OP @end EDIT 2 This is how I'm trying to use my singleton object to have an array of objects..

Correct Singleton Pattern Objective C (iOS)?


and et voila the following came out @implementation MySingleton MARK MARK Singleton Pattern using GCD id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedInstance retain id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self id autorelease return self oneway void release.. MARK MARK Singleton Pattern using GCD id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedInstance retain id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self id autorelease return self oneway void release Singletons can't be released void dealloc super dealloc..

Tap pressure strength detection using CPBPressureTouchGestureRecognizer


self if shared##classname nil shared##classname self alloc init return shared##classname id allocWithZone NSZone zone @synchronized self if shared##classname nil shared##classname super allocWithZone zone return shared##classname return.. shared##classname nil shared##classname super allocWithZone zone return shared##classname return nil id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self id retain return self NSUInteger retainCount return NSUIntegerMax void release id autorelease return self..

iOS : How to reference a music background from a singleton class?


dispatch_once oncePredicate ^ sharedMyManager super allocWithZone nil init return sharedMyManager id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedManager id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self #if __has_feature objc_arc id retain return self.. allocWithZone nil init return sharedMyManager id allocWithZone NSZone zone return self sharedManager id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self #if __has_feature objc_arc id retain return self unsigned retainCount return UINT_MAX denotes an object..

Best practice when implementing copyWithZone:


implementing copyWithZone can anyone comment on the following ... 001 Crime is a subclass of NSObject. id copyWithZone NSZone zone Crime newCrime self class allocWithZone zone init if newCrime newCrime setMonth self month newCrime setCategory self.. self title newCrime setSubtitle self subtitle return newCrime 002 Crime is not a subclass of NSObject. id copyWithZone NSZone zone Crime newCrime super copyWithZone zone newCrime setMonth self month newCrime setCategory self category newCrime setCoordinate.. In your example you are sending two extra messages per ivar. I would implement it as follows Code id copyWithZone NSZone zone Crime newCrime super copyWithZone zone newCrime _month _month copyWithZone zone newCrime _category _category copyWithZone..