

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: observevalueforkeypath

Get notification when NSOperationQueue finishes all tasks


your queue do this self.queue addObserver self forKeyPath @ operations options 0 context NULL Then do this in your observeValueForKeyPath void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if object.. addObserver self forKeyPath @ operations options 0 context NULL Then do this in your observeValueForKeyPath void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if object self.queue keyPath isEqualToString.. self.queue.operations count 0 Do something here when your queue has completed NSLog @ queue has completed else super observeValueForKeyPath keyPath ofObject object change change context context This is assuming that your NSOperationQueue is in a property named..

Center text vertically in a UITextView


NULL super viewDidLoad Then add this method to adjust the contentOffset every time the contentSize value changes void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context UITextView tv object CGFloat topCorrect..

Streaming mp3 audio with AVPlayer


scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 target self selector @selector updateProgress userInfo nil repeats YES void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if object songPlayer keyPath isEqualToString..

HowTo initialise MKMapView with a given user location?


NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context NULL self.map.showsUserLocation YES starts updating user location Implement observeValueForKeyPath . It gets called when the location attribute of the mapview's userlocation has a value void observeValueForKeyPath NSString.. observeValueForKeyPath . It gets called when the location attribute of the mapview's userlocation has a value void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if self.map isUserLocationVisible self.locationManager..

How does undo/redo basically work on iPhone OS?


a stack of NSInvocations which are the opposite actions to any edits or other changes you make. For example void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context NSUndoManager undo self undoManager..

How do I zoom an MKMapView to the users current location without CLLocationManager?


NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context NULL Then implement this method to receive KVO notifications void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if self.mapView showsUserLocation..

observeValueForKeyPath not being called


not being called Hi I have a ViewController creating an instance of a UIView and then I register an observer with the instance.. options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context nil then in the same file I have void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context NSLog @ @ n @ n @ n keyPath object change.. keyPath object change But although I have checked and double checked that logoAnimation.patrocinioDidLoad has changed observeValueForKeyPath never gets called... Am I missing something Thanks for the help Antonio iphone key value observing share improve this..

Change background color of UIButton when Highlighted


self addObserver self forKeyPath @ highlighted options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context NULL return self void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context self setNeedsDisplay void drawRect CGRect..

An -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message was received but not handled


observeValueForKeyPath ofObject change context message was received but not handled I am relatively new to KVO so there is a good chance that.. object. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException' reason ' CGImage 0x276fc0 An observeValueForKeyPath ofObject change context message was received but not handled. Key path measurementDescriptor Observed object MeasurementPointer.. 68 3 CoreFoundation 0x30897d4f NSException raise format 34 4 Foundation 0x34a13779 NSObject NSKeyValueObserving observeValueForKeyPath ofObject change context 60 5 Foundation 0x349b6acd NSKeyValueNotifyObserver 216 6 Foundation 0x349b6775 NSKeyValueDidChange..

Customize the Airplay button's appearance


context nil volumeView sizeToFit Then I observe the changed value of the buttons alpha . void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if object isKindOfClass UIButton class..

Get the screenshot of a streaming video on iphone


playerWithPlayerItem pItem observe 'status' playerItem addObserver self forKeyPath @ status options 0 context nil void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context if keyPath isEqualToString @ status..

Prevent indentation of UITableViewCell (contentView) while editing


value has origin.x 0 . This is easily adapted to your particular needs. put this in your UITableViewCell subclass void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context NSLog @ observed value for kp @ changed..

When does an associated object get released?


nil return self void dealloc observedObject removeObserver self forKeyPath keyPath keyPath release super dealloc void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context self.delegate performSelector self.delegateCallback..

Fade in/out UIScrollView's content like Mobile Safari does in its tab


context @selector updateAlpha So that each of my contentViews will get the message when contentOffset changed void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context self performSelector SEL context..