

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: obtaining

objective c - Detect when user change the app's notifications settings


to show the alert According to AppStore review guidelines 5.3 Apps that send Push Notifications without first obtaining user consent will be rejected For example Path application asks the user to opt in for push notification in the middle of..

How to post more parameters with image upload code in iOS?


12. Copyright c 2012 LJ Wilson. All rights reserved. License Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the Software to deal in the Software without restriction including.. 12. Copyright c 2012 LJ Wilson. All rights reserved. License Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the Software to deal in the Software without restriction including..

Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs


moc.insertedObjects.allObjects error 0 You must do this before saving the MOC though because if you save without obtaining permanent IDs the temporary IDs are propagated to parent contexts. For example in your case where you save to the mainMoc.. the IDS the backgroundMOC still has the temporary IDs so future saves from it will create duplicate data. Note that obtaining permanent IDs goes all the way to the database but if you are doing it in a child MOC of the main MOC you should not block..

Writing video + generated audio to AVAssetWriterInput, audio stuttering


then generate an AVComposition but my plan was to avoid this and composite the audio in floating point format buffers obtaining audio from audio clips is in float format . I might be doing some on the fly audio effects later on. After several hours..

iOS 6 - Facebook sharing procedure fails with error “The proxied app is not already installed”


installed&rdquo Though there is such a question Facebook Error 7 iOS 6 it's already closed without any answer While obtaining an access to user's facebook account I've got an error error is Error Domain com.apple.accounts Code 7 The Facebook server..

Page count of UICollectionView with paging in iOS


with flow layout and paging enabled by setting pagingEnabled to YES . What would be the simplest way of obtaining the total number of pages And where would be the most appropriate place to update the total number of pages given that it..

obtaining the rotation and size of a UIImageView based on its transformation matrices


the rotation and size of a UIImageView based on its transformation matrices If I have the original transform matrix of..

How to search MKMapView with UISearchBar?


not be a hard thing to do but I'm really clueless about how to input a Street Address in the search bar and then obtaining coordinates for that address or something that can help me to actually move the map and center in that place. I mean what..

iPhone - is it IMPOSSIBLE to grab the contents of a CALayers composition?


partial solution for this that works but this solution gives me an image the size of the screen and I was looking for obtaining a higher resolution version rendering off screen. iphone iphone sdk 3.0 share improve this question Within the confines..

UIWebView: Can You Disable Javascript?


WebView but I can see no means of doing so in UIWebView . Am I correct I ask in relation to this question regarding obtaining the title of page displayed in an UIWebView using Javascript. I had worried that it would fail if Javascript was disabled..

UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey is deprecated, what to use instead?


is deprecated what to use instead I'm working on an iPad app using 3.2 sdk. I'm dealing with obtaining the keyboard size to prevent my textfields from hidding behind it. I'm getting a Warning in Xcode UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey..

UITableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier Theory


Download images and save locally on iPhone Phonegap app


contained in it for further visualization in offline mode. I've got access to the iOS filesystem so I save the html by obtaining the code through an AJAX request and later saving it to a file. I don't really know how to do the same with video and images..

Xcode won't recognize my new provisioning profile


provisioning profile expired a couple of weeks ago so I went to the provisioning portal to get a fresh new one. After obtaining it I visited the Xcode Organizer removed the expired profile from my devices as well as my Mac then imported the new profile...

Difference between [NSMutableArray array] vs [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]


correct when you vend an object. But in other cases when you create an object on iOS where you have a choice between obtaining a ready made autoreleased object and calling alloc followed by release Apple wants you to use alloc and release because..

SFHFKeychainUtils. iOS keychain. ARC compatible


Malone. Copyright 2008 Sci Fi Hi Fi. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the Software to deal in the Software without restriction including.. Malone. Copyright 2008 Sci Fi Hi Fi. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the Software to deal in the Software without restriction including..

How to compare a shape drawn on the screen to a letter?


be an outline of a solid letter not just a line drawing the letter shape. There may be a way to get this from the api obtaining a bezier path from a glyph or you may have to design them yourself. You then need to scale the bezier path so it is roughly..

how do i find out iphone Disk Space?


Obtaining an NSDecimalNumber from a locale specific string?


an NSDecimalNumber from a locale specific string I have some string s that is locale specific eg 0.01 or 0 01 . I want..

Warning: UIKit should not be called from a secondary thread


the row where I use self.textField I get a warning in console saying void _WebThreadLockFromAnyThread bool 0x5d306b0 Obtaining the web lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread. UIKit should not be called from a secondary thread...

Obtaining iPhone Photo Exposure Information


iPhone Photo Exposure Information Is there any way to get the exposure settings aperture shutter speed ISO for a photo..

How to create a contact in the “local” addressbook?


Peter iphone contacts addressbook abaddressbook share improve this question You should take a look at this post Obtaining Specific ABSource from ABAddressBook in iOS 4 that demonstrates how to identify and target specific sources ABSource within..

Obtaining Specific ABSource from ABAddressBook in iOS 4+


Specific ABSource from ABAddressBook in iOS 4 Does anyone have an example of how to obtain a specific ABSource from the..

Iphone, Obtaining a List of countries in an NSArray


Obtaining a List of countries in an NSArray I have a menu that let's a user select a country. Exactly like that in the contacts.app..

iPhone: Can a dev other than team agent build an app for distribution


index.action . These instructions a re super long but pretty clear and necessary. 3 Pay extra attention to the section Obtaining your iOS Distribution Certificate Saving your Private Key and Transferring to Other Systems on that page. It describes how..

How to create a private key for iPhone Distribution Certificate?


certificate here thanks. iphone certificate distribution privatekey share improve this question Read the Obtaining your iPhone Distribution Certificate section of the Apple Developer Connection iPhone site . This explains step by step..