

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: observing

NSNotificationCenter: Do objects receive notifications on the same thread they are posted?


objects receive notifications on the same thread they are posted I am interested in knowing whether I can expect the observing object's method to be pushed onto the stack before the posting object's method has been completed and removed. iphone objective..

Contents of UIScrollView shifted after dismissing ModalViewController


was set up on the UIWindow it is very weird since this had never happened to me before the behavior I was observing was that when you add a subview at point 0 0 it would overlap with the status bar which is not usual usually the views know..

Detecting the type of iPhone interrupt


get your submission rejected from the App Store. None of them involve private method calls though you could argue that observing an undocumented notification name counts as private API. In the end Apple's opinion is the only one that will matter. Personally..

Keyboard Animation Issues When Calling becomeFirstResponder within a Modal View Controller


keyboard and the modal view controller to animate from up the bottom of the screen at the same time. However what I'm observing is the following There is a ~0.2 second UI lag between clicking the button that calls the presentModalViewController animated..

observeValueForKeyPath not being called


observeValueForKeyPath never gets called... Am I missing something Thanks for the help Antonio iphone key value observing share improve this question Solved it I was setting patrocinioDidLoad in logoAnimation directly without using standard..

UIWebView font is thinner in portrait than landscape


following CSS configured but it seems to prevent the drastic font size change not the subtle weight change that I am observing html webkit text size adjust none Prevent font scaling in landscape Can anyone explain this The simulator does not do it..

Key Value Observing with an NSArray


EDIT Does the iOS SDK even support NSArrayController If not is there another way iphone objective c nsarray key value observing nsarraycontroller share improve this question You don't need an NSArrayController to observe changes to an NSArray ...

NSNotificationCenter trapping and tracing all NSNotifications


in realizeClass which from my experience does indicate that something gets called after its deallocation. My observing object however still is alive its deallocator has not been called yet . Next thing I tried was setting a breakpoint towards.. being trapped when reorienting the device in the simulator . What am I missing Is there a way e.g. a tool for reliably observing a NSNotificationCenter Thanks for any hint. iphone trace nsnotifications share improve this question The only solution..

MKMapView moving Annotations Automatically - animate them?


property in other parts of your class after the annotation has been added to the map be sure to send out key value observing KVO notifications when you do. Map Kit uses KVO notifications to detect changes to the coordinate title and subtitle properties..

An -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message was received but not handled


Data. My app crashes with the following message And what I can't understand is why a CGImage is getting involved in observing a value that is set on a MeasurementPointer object. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'.. it... unfortunately this is intermittent so I have not been able to find a pattern that triggers it. iphone key value observing nsexception share improve this question You have an object that got dealloc'ed and did not stop observing another object... value observing nsexception share improve this question You have an object that got dealloc'ed and did not stop observing another object. Walk through all of your addObserver... calls and make sure they are matched with removeObserver... calls..

Use Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame


bounds or center property. How can I use Key Value Observing to achieve this iphone ios objective c uiview key value observing share improve this question Currently it's not possible to use KVO to observe a view's frame. Properties have to be..

NSMutableString as retain/copy


use the default synthesized implementation. instead you should write your own void setStr1 NSMutableString arg locking observing undo etc omitted NSMutableString copy arg mutableCopy NSMutableString prev str1 str1 copy prev release NSMutableString str1.. NSMutableString copy arg mutableCopy NSMutableString prev str1 str1 copy prev release NSMutableString str1 locking observing etc omitted don't return something the clients thinks they may possibly modify and don't return something you may modify.. str1 @end @implementation MONThing no need for clients to create a mutableCopy void setStr1 NSString arg locking observing undo etc omitted NSMutableString copy arg mutableCopy NSMutableString prev str1 str1 copy prev release the result is clearly..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


the various methods of Observing Notification techniques http cocoawithlove.com 2008 06 five approaches to listening observing.html Method #5 even indicates delegates as an method Except.... objects can only set one delegate at a time. So when I have.. . A pseudocode example would be awfully helpful here if possible. objective c iphone cocoa touch delegates key value observing share improve this question These are good questions and its great to see that you're doing this research and seem concerned..

Need some help understanding transient properties in Core Data


between modeled observed properties and unmodeled unobserved properties. The managed object context uses key value observing KVO to monitor modeled properties. Based on the information provided in the data model it knows what properties must have..

Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


subclass. 3 ActionsController observes a notification via NSNotificationCenter when it is initialized and stops observing when it is dealloc'ed. 4 User dismisses SecondaryViewController to return to RootViewController . With Enable Zombie Objects..

iOS - How to know when NSOperationQueue finish processing a few operations?


that all the files from all the directories are downloaded in order to update the UI. I already implemented key value observing for the operationCount of the NSOperationQueue and the isFinished of the NSOperation but I don't know when a directory has..

What's the nicest way to do observer/observable in objective-c (iphone version)


objective c cocoa share improve this question There are two built in ways of doing observation in Cocoa Key Value Observing and notifications. In neither system do you need to maintain or notify a collection of observers yourself the framework.. do you need to maintain or notify a collection of observers yourself the framework will handle that for you. Key Value Observing KVO lets you observe a property of an object including even a property that represents a collection and be notified of changes.. in any particular case In general if you care about changes to a specific property of a specific object use Key Value Observing. That's what it's designed for and it's intentionally lightweight. Among other uses it is the foundation on which Cocoa..

Subclass UITabBarController to adjust it's frame


with KVO like so tabBarController addObserver self forKeyPath @ selectedViewController options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context NULL Observing changes to the interface orientation can be a bit tricky. If you're doing this from your.. addObserver self forKeyPath @ selectedViewController options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context NULL Observing changes to the interface orientation can be a bit tricky. If you're doing this from your application delegate or another..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


pinch multi touch gestures in a UITableView I am looking to implement a pinch in out on top of a UITableView I have looked..

How do I display and calculate numbers from a database on iPhone?


implementation of this pattern with the observation part. Here you can either have your view controllers use Key Value Observing might be simplest to watch data members in the data model or you can have the data model emit NSNotifications which your..

Key Value Observing with an NSArray


Value Observing with an NSArray I've looked on SO for examples of using Key Value Observing with an NSArray or NSMutableArray and apparently.. Value Observing with an NSArray I've looked on SO for examples of using Key Value Observing with an NSArray or NSMutableArray and apparently you need to use an NSArrayController which unlike KVO I'm not familiar.. in that array. This will send a notification whenever the contents of the array changes. Depending on the NSKeyValueObservingOptions you use when adding your observer you can also get the incremental changes that are made ”a cool feature but you may..

iPhone Development - Memory limitation for iphone application


Use Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame


Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame I want to watch for changes in a UIView 's frame bounds or center property. How.. a UIView's frame I want to watch for changes in a UIView 's frame bounds or center property. How can I use Key Value Observing to achieve this iphone ios objective c uiview key value observing share improve this question Currently it's not possible..

Is it possible to observe a readonly property of an object in Cocoa Touch?


if the object that declares that property makes changes to the value of that property in a way that is not Key Value Observing compliant e.g. changes the value of the instance variable backing that property directly without seding willChangeValueForKey..

What are the key concepts for an iPhone Developer to learn? [closed]


There coding patterns techniques and some general tidbits that you should know about. Coding Patterns Key Value Observing KVO Allowing one object to respond to changes of another object's properties by registering the Observer with the target.. another object's properties by registering the Observer with the target object. For more on KVO see Apple's Key Value Observing Programming Guide . Model View Controller Pattern In the Model View Controller Pattern MVC objects generally fit into one..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


fair share of googling about this and I found what appears to be a decent article talking about the various methods of Observing Notification techniques http cocoawithlove.com 2008 06 five approaches to listening observing.html Method #5 even indicates..

Does Key Value Observing Work on UITextView's Text Property?


Key Value Observing Work on UITextView's Text Property I'm having the worst time getting key value observing working in with a UITextView's.. _textFieldCell addObserver MBUtilities getAppDelegate .userProfile forKeyPath @ cellTextField.text options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context NULL cell _textFieldCell self.textFieldCell nil break case PasswordRowIndex _textFieldCell.cellLabel.text.. _textFieldCell addObserver MBUtilities getAppDelegate .userProfile forKeyPath @ cellTextField.text options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context NULL cell _textFieldCell self.textFieldCell nil break case PasswordConfirmRowIndex _textFieldCell.cellLabel.text..

Xcode/iOS5: Move UIView up, when keyboard appears


self.originalCenter Add animation sugar as you wish You have more than one way to know when the keyboard appears. Observing UIKeyboardDidShowNotification notification. register notification in any of your initWithNibName bundle viewDidLoad awakeFromNib..

iPhone : camera autofocus observer?


question I find the solution for my case to find when autofocus starts ends. It's simply dealing with KVO Key Value Observing . In my UIViewController callback void observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change.. animated AVCaptureDevice camDevice AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo int flags NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew camDevice addObserver self forKeyPath @ adjustingFocus options flags context nil ... unregister observer void viewWillDisappear..