

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:17

iphone Programming Glossary: occurred

More iCloud Core Data synching woes


iCloud Core Data synching woes So it finally happened. The worst case scenario for any independent iPhone developer occurred. Several users are reporting complete data loss after upgrading my app. iCloud Core Data sync is not working. My users are..

how to generate crash report using code like crash report provided by Apple


C code. Most of the C methods are also not async safe. You can basically not allocate new memory once a crash occurred. All the details you are asking and the ones that are not yet asked to write such a reporter would require to write way..

Listing All Folder content from Google Drive


all files of root folder for GTLDriveFile file in driveFiles NSLog @ File is @ file.title else NSLog @ An error occurred @ error Note For get full drive access your scope should be kGTLAuthScopeDrive . GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch alloc initWithScope..

'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'


'120x120' pixels in .png format' I submitted an app update but I have received an email telling me this error has occurred Missing recommended icon file The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels..

Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone?


of the iPhone Out of curiosity I've been playing with jQuery to determine the browser's screen size and it occurred to me that screen size could be used to determine whether or not a visitor was using an iPhone iTouch to view the site...

UIDevice currentDevice's “orientation” always null


changes to landscape however this needs to be checked whenever the view appears as the orientation change could have occurred elsewhere so I was hoping to poll the orientation state whenever this view appears. iphone objective c orientation uidevice..

cocoa - I've discovered what I think is a bug with NSDecimalNumber


in double wtf 36.76662445068359375000 is exact. wtf contains exactly b100100.11000100010000011 and no rounding has occurred. The spec for NSDecimalNumber says that it represents numbers as a 38 digit decimal mantissa and a decimal exponent in the..

Practical rules for premature optimization [closed]


2191720#2191720 . Frankly I think this is just laziness and appalling to disciplined computer science. But it has occurred to me that maybe considering the complexity and performance of algorithms is going the way of assembly loop unrolling and..

locationServicesEnabled test passes when they are disabled in viewDidLoad


errorString @ Location data unavailable Do something else... break default errorString @ An unknown error has occurred break UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Error message errorString delegate self cancelButtonTitle @ Ok..

SenTestCase in Xcode 3.2 and XCBuildLogCommandInvocationSection Errors


3.2.4. When attempting to compile with a very basic STFail @ the following compiler errors occur An internal error occurred when handling command output XCBuildLogCommandInvocationSectionRecorder endMarker unrecognized selector sent to instance.. output XCBuildLogCommandInvocationSectionRecorder endMarker unrecognized selector sent to instance An internal error occurred when handling command output XCBuildLogCommandInvocationSection setTestsPassedString unrecognized selector sent to instance..

Try-catch exception handling practice for iPhone/Objective-C


performs are few tasks with objects that are passed on in a number of arrays. The method returns nil if an error has occurred and a try catch block could help me catch exceptions. However I could of course simply write little if tests here and there..

iOS SDK broken ever after reinstall UIKit and Foundation frameworks not found


#import UIKit UIKit.h #endif I reinstalled xcode and the iOS SDK but that did not fix the problem. This problem occurred after adding the iAd framework to one of my projects but all of my projects wont compile. I'm using the latest SDK 4.1 ...

Unit testing in XCode 4


following this document . However when my tests are running I'm getting this error in the build log An internal error occurred when handling command output IDEActivityLogSectionRecorder endMarker unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x20310b580..

Send and receive NSData via GameKit


sendDataToAllPeers fileData withDataMode GKSendDataReliable error error if error NSLog @ An error occurred @ error localizedDescription However I don't think something's right setting fileData and error displays nothing. When a..

Iphone navigate to previous/next viewController


viewed item is shown. When creating a DETAIL view pass in the parent define methods to let the parent know a swipe occurred and register swipe recognizers on the DETAIL view in the viewDidLoad method Code in the LIST view parent NSString nameOfPreviousCampAndUpdateCurrents..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


the tutorial's CalloutMapAnnotationView and calling that directly. Didn't have any luck. Despite little oddities that occurred the only thing that moved was the little triangle portion of the callout. I could not get the entire callout to move. Update..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


pseudocode for what you need to do. For simplicity I never allow horizontal scrolling after multitouch event has occurred. RemorsefulScrollView.h @interface RemorsefulScrollView UIScrollView CGPoint _originalPoint BOOL _isHorizontalScroll _isMultitouch..

Trouble running Instruments on iPad


the debug console. Help Thanks Tim iphone xcode profiling share improve this question I've solved this. It hadn't occurred to me to check the console inside the organizer. It said entitlement 'keychain access groups' has value not permitted by..

Facebook API dialog page showing error in second time and after that


fine for first time only.when user tapped a button to share again the dialog appears and showing error page Error occurred with 'Your_APP_NAME'.please try again later. I followed the tutorial in the facebook link below here. https developers.facebook.com..