

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:17

iphone Programming Glossary: occ

When does a touchesBegan become a touchesMoved?


in action slowly drag the iPhone screen unlock slider to the right. note the sudden jump note how it doesn't occur if you have another finger resting anywhere else on the screen try creeping across a narrow bridge in any number of 3D..

UDID Replacement?


Moving status bar in iOS 7


https developer.apple.com library ios documentation uikit reference UIScreen_Class Reference UIScreen.html# apple_ref occ instm UIScreen snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates With that you get a UIView containing a screenshot that includes the status..

iPhone - What are reuseIdentifiers (UITableViewCell)?


iphone library documentation UIKit Reference UITableViewCell_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instp UITableViewCell reuseIdentifier I don't understand this. Well I understand the basic idea I think that you create..

iPhone + UITableView + place an image for separator


developer.apple.com iphone library documentation UIKit Reference UITableView_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instp UITableView separatorStyle As an iPhone developer who has been down this road I suggest you avoid images wherever..

How to get a UIViewController from a UIView via code


developer.apple.com library ios documentation uikit reference UIResponder_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instm UIResponder nextResponder UIView implements this method by returning the UIViewController object that manages it if..

What are block-based animation methods in iPhone OS 4.0?


here http developer.apple.com iphone library documentation uikit reference UIView_Class UIView UIView.html# apple_ref occ clm UIView commitAnimations My question is what are block based animations in iPhone OS 4.0 I though that the beginAnimations..

iPhone SDK 4 “Half curl page transition”


iphone library documentation uikit reference UIViewController_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instp UIViewController modalTransitionStyle If you create a new UIViewController set its modalTransitionStyle to UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl..

How use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect for iPhone 4 (HD)?


developer.apple.com iphone library documentation uikit reference UIImage_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ clm UIImage imageWithCGImage scale orientation Change it to UIImage imageWithCGImage image scale self.scale orientation..

(iPhone) how to implement draggable pins using OS 4.0 MapKit?


iphone library documentation MapKit Reference MKAnnotationView_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instp MKAnnotationView draggable In your MapView delegate add void mapView MKMapView mapView annotationView MKAnnotationView..

How to select rows while in edit mode?


developer.apple.com iphone library documentation uikit reference UITableView_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ instp UITableView allowsSelectionDuringEditing Then you can see if the user is in edit mode by running code like the following..

open iBooks from my app


how to support landscape/Portrait orientation only for one UIView


Customizing the MKAnnotation Callout bubble


Method triggered by Change in orientation


Caching with AVPlayer and AVAssetExportSession


library ios #documentation AVFoundation Reference AVAssetExportSession_Class Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ cl AVAssetExportSession I know this isn't much of an answer but it moves the investigation down the road a little. I'm still..

Posting to yFrog objc


message TweetBody.text NSString source @ ThemeCatcher NSString api_key kYFrogKey just some random text that will never occur in the body NSString stringBoundary @ 0xKhTmLbOuNdArY This_Is_ThE_BoUnDaRyy pqo header value NSString headerBoundary NSString.. library mac #documentation Foundation Reference NSURLConnectionDelegate_Protocol Reference Reference.html# apple_ref occ intf NSURLConnectionDelegate didFailWithError is the big one if you're having issues. make sure you read all the NSError..

Having trouble creating UIImage from CIImage in iOS5


How to create border in UIButton?


library ios #documentation GraphicsImaging Reference CALayer_class Introduction Introduction.html# apple_ref occ cl CALayer The CALayer in the link above allows you to set other properties like corner radius maskToBounds etc... Also..

How does iPhone app remember me feature works?
