

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:17

iphone Programming Glossary: occurrence

Core Data, NSPredicate and to-many key


start property of any ExcludedOccurrence entity. One of the sub predicates I am trying to use is therefore NSPredicate occurrenceIsNotExcludedPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ ALL excludedOccurrences.start @ today where today is a NSDate object.. @ today where today is a NSDate object for today including only the day month and year components. All of the excluded occurrences start properties also include just the day month and year components. While this should fine at least reading the documentation.. exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason 'Unsupported predicate If I use the equivalent predicate NSPredicate occurrenceIsNotExcludedPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ ANY excludedOccurrences.start @ today no exception is thrown however..

Multiple UIInterfaceOrientations app with iOS 6


need Portrait Landscape right and left and adding one Category of UINavigationController . I added the Category to any occurrence of UINavigationController that I want to stay on Portrait mode and treated the iOS 6 rotation like this post @implementation..

Comparison between TestFlight Live, QuincyKit and Crashlytics


that happened to one guy or the one that's happening to 10k Testflight doesn't tell you this. Prioritization based on occurrence. This is probably the most important gain in my opinion. These are just a few but I figure they're probably the most important..

iTunes App Submission Invalid binary issues


in iOS 6 Source Apple now block any App which accesses the uniqueIdentifier property of UIDevice . Replace any occurrence with the Vendor or Advertising identifiers or use OpenUDID . NSUUID uuid UIDevice currentDevice identifierForVendor NSString..

Objective-C error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'class'


working on. Not sure how to interpret the error... It's thrown at a few place in my code. I can't see any pattern of occurrence. Is this a generic error What's the meaning of it iphone objective c share improve this question The error you posted..

How should I architect my iPhone app to talk to my website?


As an example the other day I needed first line of a string. Sure you can write a one liner where you find first occurrence of a new line and get a substring from beginning till there. But it doesn't look right. I've added NSString firstLine into..