

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:17

iphone Programming Glossary: occupied

Why should we release?


touch xcode memory management share improve this question Setting a pointer to nil does not release the memory occupied by the former destination of that pointer. In plain english assigning it to nil does not release it. If your application..

how to give background color for selected text in text view


see that Apple doesn't intend to allow non blue selection background color. However you can calculate the rectangles occupied by the selection then make a colored transparent non interacting UIView on top of it to simulate a change of background..

Avoid hardcoding iPhone screen size with programmatic view creation


UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame applicationFrame This property contains the screen bounds minus the area occupied by the status bar if it is visible. Using this property is the recommended way to retrieve your application ™s initial window..

UISlider and UIScrollView


it. iphone uiscrollview uislider share improve this question Have your scroll view detect touches over the region occupied by your slider override hitTest withEvent you may need to subclass UIScrollView . If a touch over said region is detected..

Memory usage grows with CTFontCreateWithName and CTFramesetterRef


a release. I'm guessing the context is somehow hanging on to it. I had already analyzed the memory and saw that it was occupied by this object that's why i checked retain count. The absolute retain count of an object is useless. That it is still in..

UIImagePickerController does not release memory it occupies


release memory it occupies I saw this thing on using instruments for my app. When I profile my app the initial memory occupied is 563 KB which is before UIImagePickerController pops up. There is one button on the first viewController which makes the.. first viewController which makes the UIImagePickerController appear. As soon as UIImagePickerController appears memory occupied goes upto 1.6 1.7 MB . If I select any image or cancel the UIImagePickerController the memory occupied is still 1.6 1.7.. appears memory occupied goes upto 1.6 1.7 MB . If I select any image or cancel the UIImagePickerController the memory occupied is still 1.6 1.7 MB which I believe should be 563 KB or may be few KB's more . Please see the below code I have used IBAction..