

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: offscreen

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


Controller's stack so that this view is no longer in the foreground. In the case of a memory warning the view of this offscreen view controller will be unloaded. At this point the view property of the top level UIView will be nulled out it will be..

Cropping a UIImage


got two different theories and I'm wondering if either is on base. Theory 1 I achieve the cropping by drawing into an offscreen image context of my target size. Since I want the center portion of the image I set the CGRect argument passed to drawInRect.. I know there are portions of UIKit that are restricted to the main thread. I was assuming hoping that drawing to an offscreen view wasn't one of these. Am I wrong Oh how I miss NSImage's drawInRect fromRect operation fraction method. iphone objective..

How do I make a UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet


an Outlet in your view controller. Add it as a subview of your main view and set its frame coordinates so that it is offscreen just below the bottom edge x 0 y 480. Then when you want to display the picker animate it onto the screen with something..

Getting a screenshot of a UIScrollView, including offscreen parts


a screenshot of a UIScrollView including offscreen parts I have a UIScrollView decendent that implements a takeScreenshot method that looks like this void takeScreenshot..

How to render to offscreen bitmap then blit to screen using Core Graphics


to render to offscreen bitmap then blit to screen using Core Graphics I would like to render to an offscreen bitmap or array of RGBA values and.. to render to offscreen bitmap then blit to screen using Core Graphics I would like to render to an offscreen bitmap or array of RGBA values and then blit those to a UIView during in the view's drawRect function. I would prefer to.. work in Core Graphics itself. iphone bitmap core graphics bitblit share improve this question To render into an offscreen context and save it as a CGImageRef void bitmapData calloc height bytesPerLine CGContextRef offscreen CGBitmapContextCreate..

Is it a problem when an iAd may be obscured?


issues and make sure bannerView wasn't covered by anything. From my experience nothing bad happens if the ad is offscreen however the iAd will not load new ads until it knows it is fully onscreen. So as you start up your app Your AdBannerView..

iOS — how do you control the size of a modal view controller?


this would work in your UIViewController class that will present the view Add the view as a subview and position it offscreen just below the current view UIView myHalfView UIView alloc initWithFrame someAppropriateFrame self.view addSubview myHalfView.. after animating the center property. When you're done you can do something similar but in reverse to slide the view offscreen. You can add an animationDidStop selector to the UIView animation block to be notified when the view has slid off screen..

Mysterious “progressive slowing” problem in run loop / drawRect


in run loop drawRect Here's a real mystery. Imagine you are doing the conventional process of drawing a complex image offscreen CGLayer and you are updating the image on to the screen intermittently as you draw. As you know the way to do this is run.. When this happens the CGLayer is rendered again. The slowdown is cause because the code maintains a single CGLayer offscreenPrefabCGL that has its context modified in every iteration of the loop in paintActualGutsOfHugeImage . Because the sequence.. context modified in every iteration of the loop in paintActualGutsOfHugeImage . Because the sequence of operations in offscreenPrefabCGL's context grows with each flower each render takes more time. This explains the increase in time for each display...

How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?


can't be done with UIWebview. Preloading won't help this would slow down the UI when UIWebviews are being rendered offscreen you should always practice lazy loading on the iPhone. Putting UIWebviews in a UITableView will come with a potentially..

Quartz 2D drawRect method (iPhone)


have to remember each line point stroke that the user drew and replicate that each time drawRect is called How about offscreen rendering can you do all your drawing and then call self setNeedsDisplay to have your writes flushed to the screen Let's..

SubView slide in animation, iphone


you can animate it makes no sense. void showAnimation self.view addSubview geopointView geopointView.frame somewhere offscreen in the direction you want it to appear from UIView animateWithDuration 10.0 animations ^ geopointView.frame its final..

UIView: how to do non-destructive drawing?


drawing cgbitmapcontextcreate off screen share improve this question It is fairly common to draw everything in an offscreen image and simply display this image when drawing the screen. You can read Creating a Bitmap Graphics Context . share improve..

UIScrollView image/photo viewer with paging enabled and zooming


is left in the wrong position. This kind of sounds like what is happening here. After zooming in the view will shift offscreen because you have changed the offset etc. I've spent hours on this already and I'm slowing coming to the sad realization..