

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:19

iphone Programming Glossary: offers

How to download audio/video files from internet and store in iPhone app?


startAsynchronous Then just handle the progress and completion through the delegate methods that ASIHTTPRequest offers. Playing Playing the file is very simple. Once it's on the device and you know where it is just load it into the audio player...

How do I break down an NSTimeInterval into year, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds on iPhone?


Brief Description Just another approach to complete the answer of JBRWilkinson but adding some code. It can also offers a solution to Alex Reynolds's comment. Use NSCalendar method NSDateComponents components NSUInteger unitFlags fromDate NSDate..

How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?


any screen size. That's not very hard read some documentation about that. It will save you a lot of time. iOS 6 also offers new features about this but this is still under NDA at the moment. Be sure to read the API changelog on Apple Developer..

How to display the current project version of my App to the user?


I would like to add the current version into the about section of my app. As seen in this attached screenshot Apple offers versioning. How do you display these settings in your app iphone cocoa cocoa touch xcode share improve this question..

iOS: Open Source VoIP/SIP Objective-C Code


Do you know a good and efficient FFT? [closed]


used for comparison many are free and some may be adequate. I'd probably start with good old numerical recipes which offers an easy power of 2 1D FFT implementation for free and some typing and would be very memory efficient. BTW for voice you..

How get a datetime column in SQLite with Objective C


Objective C. These methods are implemented in a category on NSDate. Be sure to check out the functionality that SQLite offers for working with Julian dates. I have found these to be quite useful http www.sqlite.org lang_datefunc.html . A function..

get iphone ID in web app


They click a link to a .mobileconfig XML file on your website This pulls up their provisioning settings on their phone offers them an 'Install' button which they must press The phone sends the data you requested in encrypted XML to the URL you set..

How to build against older iOS versions with the latest Xcode downloads?


newer Xcode versions to build against older iOS versions In the project settings there's a Base SDK dropdown. It only offers the very latest iOS version for selection. Under Developer Platforms there is an iOS.platform folder which contains this..

Adding “Open In…” option to iOS app


&ldquo Open In&hellip &rdquo option to iOS app On iOS devices the Mail app offers Open In... option for attachments. The apps listed have registered their CFBundleDocumentTypes with the OS. What I am wondering..

Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed]


variety of platform support. If you're willing to spend a bit of money but also need the simplicity that Cocos2d x offers. Check out http appgamekit.com It's cheaper than Marmalade SDK and easier to use. It is also extensive via C . Deciding..

setKeepAliveTimeout and BackgroundTasks


user credentials. All that i can do is to move the login and fetching core to the client iPhone . I noticed that Apple offers an opportunity for applications to wake up and keep opened a Socket connection ie. a VoIP application . So I started investigate..

How does TestFlight do it?


does TestFlight do it TestFlight offers over the air beta distribution of iOS apps on non jailbroken devices . How can this be done Is this an iOS feature or a..

Learning iPhone SDK (Objective-C) [closed]


to learn how to program really cool games and iphone apps but unfortunately I don't know Objective C. My school only offers Java courses which I'm not fond of and I really want to take a class or get a tutor. ANYTHING SO I CAN LEARN THIS LANGUAGE...

What exactly does delegate do in xcode ios project?


good. But what if you want to do something when they start typing or when they're done typing Well the text control offers a delegate with methods that allow you to hook into the execution pipeline of the text control. It allows the text control..

What major ASIHTTPRequest features is AFNetworking missing?


an entire service consumer in little time. Not to mention the absolutely necessary UIImage additions that AFNetworking offers. With blocks and custom completion blocks and some clever algorithm you can make table views with asynchronous image downloading..

Custom UITabBar background image not working in iOS 5 and later


working... Can anyone offer a solution iphone objective c ios cocoa touch ipad share improve this question iOS5 offers the UIAppearance Proxy. Also it's best practice to switch your code based on the capability in this case it's respondsToSelector..

Xcode 4.2 showing the wrong line of code on error [duplicate]


iphone ios xcode ipad share improve this question I do not know how to reclaim the old behavior. Zane Claes offers a great solution on a similar question here. Xcode 4.2 debug doesn't symbolicate stack call After you find what class your..

How to do animations using images efficiently in iOS


iOS crash log catch, debug info.. Catch and send via email to the Dev team


app store Exception catching as suggested by others is not recommended check this article to see why iTunes Connect offers you to view some crash reports too but it takes up to 2 weeks to see some but by far not all as e.g. pointed out by the..