

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: offline_access

Uploading UImage to facebook


Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ MYAPPID andDelegate id self NSArray neededPermissions NSArray alloc initWithObjects @ offline_access @ user_about_me @ publish_stream @ user_photos nil facebook authorize neededPermissions if facebook isSessionValid NSMutableDictionary..

Login to Facebook using FBGraph


self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access user_checkins friends_checkins else Add UIAlert as user is logged in already pop a message letting them know most of the.. self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access user_checkins friends_checkins else pop a message letting them know most of the info will be dumped in the log UIAlertView..

iOS 6 Facebook Login not refreshing access token


so at this point I just need to ship. First things first it turns out that old versions of our app were requesting offline_access. I did not know that. I went in to my FB app's Settings Advanced and enabled Remove offline_access permission. I am now.. app were requesting offline_access. I did not know that. I went in to my FB app's Settings Advanced and enabled Remove offline_access permission. I am now getting back a token that lasts two months check out the facbeook token debugger . Now that I'm getting..

facebook Security Warning while user has enabled secure login - iPhone


self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access user_checkins friends_checkins EDIT From suggestions from current answers I have added following code in my FBGraph.m But..

how to refresh an oauth token when using the Facebook iPhone SDK


I've read that it is possible to refresh the token but I don't understand how this is done. I don't want to request offline_access permission which would give me a forever token. Help iphone facebook oauth ios share improve this question Facebook's.. in Facebook. Short term token which is given by default and a long term token which is given if you request offline_access. If refresh token were supported it was the same as giving a offline_access token for all apps. As long as the user has.. term token which is given if you request offline_access. If refresh token were supported it was the same as giving a offline_access token for all apps. As long as the user has an active facebook session on your web control you can request a new access_token..

Upload an image on Facebook via FBConnect


to get it post on their wall. Here is my code void start NSArray permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ read_stream @ offline_access nil _fbEngine authorize kFbAppId permissions permissions delegate self #pragma mark #pragma mark FBSession delegate void.. to your list of requested permissions. That'll let you push straight to their wall without an intermediate step. @ offline_access would allow you to do that via the graph api instead of with a FBDialog too so you could make the post happen entirely in..

Storing facebook token for offline access


token to allow the user to post on facebook without having to log in for each call to the graph API I require an offline_access token i store it in the NSUserDefaults but when i try to use it again i get a FacebookErrDomain error 10000 Here is what..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


a problem using _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID _permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ publish_stream @ offline_access nil retain _facebook authorize _permissions delegate self However I can't seem to get my video uploading working. My current.. upload object _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID _permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ publish_stream @ offline_access nil _facebook authorize _permissions delegate self _upload FBVideoUpload alloc init And then I use it once facebook has..

How to publish from iOS application to facebook wall without user amending message


client_id begin the authentication process..... andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access fbGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos.. self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access NSMutableDictionary variables NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity 4 variables setObject @ the message forKey @ message..

fbDidLogin not called - iOS


facebook void login facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ .... NSArray permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ offline_access @ user_about_me nil retain facebook authorize permissions delegate self void fbDidLogin NSLog @ Erfolgreich eingeloggt......

Calling logout function of facebook ios sdk is not clearing user Credentials


self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access user_checkins friends_checkins void logOutButtonPressed NSLog @ logout fbGraph.accessToken nil NSHTTPCookie cookie NSHTTPCookieStorage..

iphone ShareKit with Video upload for facebook?


self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access user_checkins friends_checkins IBAction btnShareVideoPress id sender NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @..

Problems with fbDidLogin never called iOS


defaults objectForKey @ FBExpirationDateKey NSArray permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ read_stream @ offline_access nil retain if facebook isSessionValid facebook authorize permissions delegate self This is what i'm doing in the fbdidlogin..