

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: toll

Cocoa-Touch: How do I see if two NSDates are in the same day?


cocoa touch share improve this question NSDateComponents sounds like the best bet to me. Another tactic to try is toll free bridging it to a CFDate then using CFDateGetAbsoluteTime and doing a subtraction to get the amount of time between..

Disadvantage of using NSMutableArray vs NSArray?


Behind the scenes they're secretly the same thing NSArray and NSMutableArray are both implemented with CFArray s via toll free bridging a CFMutableArrayRef and a CFArrayRef are typedef's of the same thing __CFArray NSArray and NSMutableArray..

Get image of a person from iPhone address book


img_data_lock iphone - imageNamed vs imageWithContentsofFile


Does anybody have any information about the img_data_lock caller Why would someone use imageNamed if it takes such a toll on memory iphone memory management share improve this question UIImage's methods imageNamed and imageWithContentsOfFile..

CGPDFDocumentRef from NSData


function CGDataProviderRef CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData CFDataRef data and consider that NSData and CFDataRef are toll free bridged so you can use them interchangeably. So summarizing try this NSData data ... my data from SQLite ... CFDataRef..

Toll free bridges


Toll free bridging means that the data structures are interchangeable. It is just as simple as casting that's the toll free part. Anyplace you can use the type on one side of the bridge you can use the other. So for example you can create..

Is there anything like 'getStreamsToHost' on real iPhone device?


which can be used on real device iphone objective c stream share improve this question Since CFWriteStream is toll free bridged to NSOutputStream you can use CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost to get your stream pair CFReadStreamRef readStream..

Convert formatted HTML text string to NSString parts


onto b Kennington Park Rd A3 b div style font size 0.9em Continue to follow A3 div div style font size 0.9em Entering toll zone in 1.7 nbsp km at Newington Causeway A3 div div style font size 0.9em Go through 2 roundabouts div I want to store.. removing all information for size colour Turn right onto Kennington Park Rd A3 Continue to follow A3 Entering toll zone in 1.7 km at Newington Causeway A3 Go through 2 roundabouts I have used following method to convert html string to.. of breaking it in parts. output at the console is Turn right onto Kennington Park Rd A3Continue to follow A3 Entering toll zone in 1.7 km at Newington Causeway A3 Go through 2 roundabouts So do I need to write custom method to do this Any help..

How do I verify reference count in ARC mode?
