

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: torch

Turn on torch/flash on iPhone 4


on torch flash on iPhone 4 I know that the only way to turn on the flash and keep it on on iPhone 4 is by turning the video camera.. queue dispatch_get_current_queue captureSession addOutput videoOutput captureSession startRunning videoCaptureDevice.torchMode AVCaptureTorchModeOn Does anybody know if this would work or am I missing anything I don't have an iPhone 4 yet to..

How can I make the iPhone 4 LED light fire instantly?


UIKit.h #import AVFoundation AVFoundation.h @interface FlashlightViewController UIViewController AVCaptureSession torchSession @property nonatomic retain AVCaptureSession torchSession void toggleTorch @end .m #import FlashlightViewController.h.. FlashlightViewController UIViewController AVCaptureSession torchSession @property nonatomic retain AVCaptureSession torchSession void toggleTorch @end .m #import FlashlightViewController.h @implementation FlashlightViewController @synthesize.. void toggleTorch @end .m #import FlashlightViewController.h @implementation FlashlightViewController @synthesize torchSession void dealloc torchSession release super dealloc void viewDidLoad self toggleTorch super viewDidLoad void toggleTorch..

AVAssetWritter does not work with audio


method doesn't matter because it works. restateConfigiration just sorts out the session configuration otherwise the torch goes off etc session beginConfiguration switch quality case Low session.sessionPreset AVCaptureSessionPresetLow break case.. camera.whiteBalanceMode AVCaptureWhiteBalanceModeContinuousAutoWhiteBalance if camera hasTorch if torch if camera isTorchModeSupported AVCaptureTorchModeOn camera setTorchMode AVCaptureTorchModeOn else if camera isTorchModeSupported..

How can I determine whether my iOS device has a torch light?


can I determine whether my iOS device has a torch light In my application I have the option for a torch light. Howevver only iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S have torch lights. Other.. can I determine whether my iOS device has a torch light In my application I have the option for a torch light. Howevver only iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S have torch lights. Other devices do not have the torch light. How can I find.. has a torch light In my application I have the option for a torch light. Howevver only iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S have torch lights. Other devices do not have the torch light. How can I find the current device model Please help me. Thanks in advance...