

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: topath

GET URL link from uploaded image to dropbox with SDK


restClient setDelegate self data writeToFile path atomically YES self restClient uploadFile @ PreviewMaker.png toPath @ withParentRev nil fromPath path void restClient DBRestClient client uploadedFile NSString destPath from NSString srcPath..

How to insert data into a SQLite database in iPhone


mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ data.sqlite success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath writableDBPath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message ' @'. error localizedDescription..

how to connect with sqlite in iphone?


resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Scores.sqlite success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath writableDBPath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message @ error localizedDescription..

SQLite3 database doesn't actually insert data - iPhone


resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ database_file_path success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath writableDBPath error error fileManager release if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message..

iPhone (iOS): copying files from main bundle to documents folder causes crash


Path @ sourcePath documentsDirectory folderPath NSError error NSFileManager defaultManager copyItemAtPath sourcePath toPath folderPath error error NSLog @ Error description @ n error localizedDescription NSLog @ Error reason @ error localizedFailureReason..

iPhone (iOS): copying files from main bundle to documents folder error


Path @ sourcePath documentsDirectory NSError error nil if NSFileManager defaultManager copyItemAtPath sourcePath toPath documentsDirectory error error NSLog @ Default file successfully copied over. else NSLog @ Error description @ n error localizedDescription.. name of item being copied not just the documents folder. Try if NSFileManager defaultManager copyItemAtPath sourcePath toPath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Populator error error ... Edit Sorry misunderstood your question. Don't.. stop NSError error if NSFileManager defaultManager copyItemAtPath sourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent obj toPath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent obj error error DLogFunction @ @ error localizedDescription P.S. If..

ASSETWriterInput for making Video from UIImages on Iphone Issues


app I made might not be proper but since it works it should give you a good idea. void writeImageAsMovie UIImage image toPath NSString path size CGSize size duration int duration NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL..

How should I specify the path for an sqlite db in an iPhone project?


this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key givenName


stringByAppendingPathComponent @ ProxDeals.db NSLog @ @ defaultDBPath success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath databasePath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message ' @ . error localizedDescription..

making map coordinates(lan,& long)storing in sqlite database


mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent DataBaseName success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath writableDBPath error error if success UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Error message @ Failed to create..

AVFoundation + AssetWriter: Generate Movie With Images and Audio


files separately using AVComposition AVExportSession. Here is the code void addAudioToFileAtPath NSString filePath toPath NSString outFilePath NSError error nil AVMutableComposition composition AVMutableComposition composition AVURLAsset videoAsset..

Unable to display data in view?”working in simulator but not in device


Where would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app?


mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ bookdb.sql success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath writableDBPath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message ' @'. error localizedDescription..

iOS - How to write a data in plist?


NSString sourcePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ drinks ofType @ plist fileManager copyItemAtPath sourcePath toPath destPath error nil Load the Property List. drinkArray NSArray alloc initWithContentsOfFile destPath share improve this..

getting data from plist to NSMutableArray and writing the NSMutableArray to same plist iPhone


mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Template.plist success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultPath toPath writablePath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable file with message ' @'. error localizedDescription..

How to Save NSMutableArray into plist in iphone


NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ saveLogin ofType @ plist if fileManager copyItemAtPath pathToDefaultPlist toPath self.path error error NO NSAssert1 0 @ Failed with error ' @'. error localizedDescription To get stored value from .plist..

Sqlite Database Load Fails - Issue with sqlite prepare statement - iPhone - xCode 4.3.1


mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ MyDB.sqlite success fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultDBPath toPath dbPath error error if success NSAssert1 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message ' @'. error localizedDescription..