

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: torecipients

Attach a photo to an email from my iPhone application


MFMailComposeViewController alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject @ Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString path NSBundle mainBundle.. self picker setSubject @ Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ project existing photo ofType @ jpg NSData..

iphone email attachment


alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject @ Hello Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ first@example.com NSArray ccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObjects @ second@example.com @ third@example.com.. @ third@example.com nil NSArray bccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ fourth@example.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients picker setCcRecipients ccRecipients picker setBccRecipients bccRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString path NSBundle..

iphone app send email


alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject @ Hello from California Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ first@example.com NSArray ccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObjects @ second@example.com @ third@example.com.. @ third@example.com nil NSArray bccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ fourth@example.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients picker setCcRecipients ccRecipients picker setBccRecipients bccRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString path NSBundle..

Mail Composer Address Problem


Composer Address Problem I found email composer sample code from iphone OS Ref Library. Here is a code Code NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ first@example.com NSArray ccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObjects @ second@example.com @ third@example.com.. alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self NSString msgTitle @ Sample Title picker setSubject msgTitle NSArray toRecipients NSArray alloc init NSArray ccRecipients NSArray alloc init NSArray bccRecipients NSArray alloc init picker setToRecipients.. alloc init NSArray ccRecipients NSArray alloc init NSArray bccRecipients NSArray alloc init picker setToRecipients toRecipients picker setCcRecipients ccRecipients picker setBccRecipients bccRecipients NSString sum @ The Email Body string is here NSString..

Action sheet doesn't display when the MFMailComposeViewController's cancel button is tapped


alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject @ Ilusiones Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ anam@semanticnotion.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach a screenshot to the email UIGraphicsBeginImageContext.. Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ anam@semanticnotion.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach a screenshot to the email UIGraphicsBeginImageContext self.view.bounds.size self.view.layer renderInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

How to customize MFMailComposeViewController so that i can make the “to” field as non-editable?


of the feedback composeWindow setSubject str stringByAppendingString UIDevice currentDevice systemVersion NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ support@xxxx.com composeWindow setToRecipients toRecipients self presentModalViewController composeWindow.. systemVersion NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ support@xxxx.com composeWindow setToRecipients toRecipients self presentModalViewController composeWindow animated YES composeWindow release Thanks in Advance Rajkanth iphone email..

App crashes with reason: Collection <__NSArrayM: 0x7071700> was mutated while being enumerated


NSString stringWithFormat @ Mobilais reportieris @ virsraksts.text picker setSubject subject Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ test@test.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString tempPath.. subject Set up recipients NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ test@test.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients Attach an image to the email NSString tempPath NSTemporaryDirectory for int i 0 i bildesFileName count i NSString imagePath..

iphone: How to add Email functionality in iPhone Ebook App


MFMailComposeViewController alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject @ Hello from DShah NSArray toRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ first@example.com NSArray ccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObjects @ second@example.com @ third@example.com.. @ third@example.com nil NSArray bccRecipients NSArray arrayWithObject @ fourth@example.com picker setToRecipients toRecipients picker setCcRecipients ccRecipients picker setBccRecipients bccRecipients NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource..