

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: topviewcontroller

Tab Bar controller in iPhone


0 else if tabBarController.selectedIndex 1 FavViewController UINavigationController selectedViewController topViewController getData else if tabBarController.selectedIndex 2 NSLog @ 2 and here is the Result Screen I am getting So Where I am having..

How to get the list of friend without opening FBFriendPickerViewController iOS


cacheDescriptor prefetchAndCacheForSession session break case FBSessionStateClosed self StopSpinner UIViewController topViewController self.navigationController topViewController UIViewController modalViewController topViewController modalViewController if.. session break case FBSessionStateClosed self StopSpinner UIViewController topViewController self.navigationController topViewController UIViewController modalViewController topViewController modalViewController if modalViewController nil topViewController.. UIViewController topViewController self.navigationController topViewController UIViewController modalViewController topViewController modalViewController if modalViewController nil topViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated YES completion nil self.navigationController..

How to handle different orientations in iOS 6


view controller with a navigation controller. You can then pass the required data in prepareForSegue by accessing topViewController of the navigation controller object in the segue. Here is an example project which behaves correctly according to your requirements..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


UIApplication application RootViewController rootViewController RootViewController navigationController topViewController rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext for the menu window addSubview viewController.view Configure..

iPhone unit testing: Symbols not found when calling custom code


appDelegate release #else #endif #pragma mark #pragma mark Tests #if APPLICATION_TESTS void testRootViewIsOnTop id topViewControllerClass appDelegate.navigationController topViewController class id rootViewControllerClass RootViewController class STAssertEquals.. mark Tests #if APPLICATION_TESTS void testRootViewIsOnTop id topViewControllerClass appDelegate.navigationController topViewController class id rootViewControllerClass RootViewController class STAssertEquals topViewControllerClass rootViewControllerClass.. topViewController class id rootViewControllerClass RootViewController class STAssertEquals topViewControllerClass rootViewControllerClass @ Root view controller was not the top class #endif @end If I comment out the id rootViewControllerClass..

UINavigationController navigation stack problems in landscape mode


UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation return UINavigationController self.selectedViewController topViewController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation ... works fine. I navigate into new views using this method..

Passing managedObjectContext - is this efficient?


nav controllers root controller like so RootViewController rootViewController RootViewController navigationController topViewController rootViewController.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext Bonus question I've read the above is the preferred way..

How to pass object on modal view's dismissal


RoutineDayTableViewController routineDayTableViewController RoutineDayTableViewController nav topViewController routineDayTableViewController.muscleURL self.muscleURL routineDayTableViewController addExercise self.parentViewController..