

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: topcapheight

iPhone development: How to create colored or translucent background for UIActionSheet?


UIImage theImage UIImage imageNamed @ detail_menu_bg.png theImage theImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 32 topCapHeight 32 CGSize theSize actionSheet.frame.size draw the background image and replace layer content UIGraphicsBeginImageContext..

How can I create a big, red UIButton with the iPhone SDK?


20 sampleButton setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ redButton.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 10.0 topCapHeight 0.0 forState UIControlStateNormal sampleButton addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside..

Change iPhone UISlider bar image


of automagically UIImage sliderLeftTrackImage UIImage imageNamed @ SliderMin.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 9 topCapHeight 0 UIImage sliderRightTrackImage UIImage imageNamed @ SliderMax.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 9 topCapHeight 0 mySlider.. 9 topCapHeight 0 UIImage sliderRightTrackImage UIImage imageNamed @ SliderMax.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 9 topCapHeight 0 mySlider setMinimumTrackImage sliderLeftTrackImage forState UIControlStateNormal mySlider setMaximumTrackImage sliderRightTrackImage..

Adding view on StatusBar in iPhone


backgroundImageView.image UIImage imageNamed @ statusBarBackgroundGrey.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 2.0f topCapHeight 0.0f self addSubview backgroundImageView backgroundImageView release TODO Insert subviews labels imageViews etc... return..

Creating a “chat bubble” on the iPhone, like Tweetie


I suggest using the stretch method they recommend for button images. UIImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 15 topCapHeight 13 You can see a working example by downloading Twitterfon 's source it's on the FAQ page . You can see how they code a..

How can I set a button background color on iPhone?


Slider which helps to unlock the iPhone


UIImage tumbImage UIImage imageNamed @ slider_thumb.png minImage minImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 25.0 topCapHeight 0.0 maxImage maxImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 25.0 topCapHeight 0.0 lockScreenSlider setMinimumTrackImage minImage.. stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 25.0 topCapHeight 0.0 maxImage maxImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 25.0 topCapHeight 0.0 lockScreenSlider setMinimumTrackImage minImage forState UIControlStateNormal lockScreenSlider setMaximumTrackImage maxImage..

How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


Interface Builder From Code UIImage buttonImage UIImage imageNamed @ button.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 10 topCapHeight 0 UIButton btnTest UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom btnTest setBackgroundImage buttonImage forState UIControlStateNormal.. setFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 btnTest setBackgroundImage imgToolbarButton stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 5 topCapHeight 0 forState UIControlStateNormal btnTest addTarget self action @selector clearDateEdit forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside..

UITableView cell with background image


UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ cell_normal.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 0.0 topCapHeight 5.0 autorelease cell.selectedBackgroundView UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ cell_pressed.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth.. UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ cell_pressed.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 0.0 topCapHeight 5.0 autorelease For Tableview mEditTableView setBackgroundView nil mEditTableView setBackgroundView UIImageView alloc initWithImage..

Implement view like standard iPhone SMS-chat bubbles view


avatar all together into a single view. You can use UIImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth NSInteger leftCapWidth topCapHeight NSInteger topCapHeight to create a stretchable chat bubble to put behind each cell in your table view share improve this..

Customization of UINavigationBar and the back button


SEL selector UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ button_back image image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f NSString title NSLocalizedString @ Back nil UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton.. SEL selector UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ button_square image image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f NSString title NSLocalizedString @ Cancel nil UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton.. SEL selector UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ button_submit image image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton styledButtonWithBackgroundImage image font..

iOS SDK : playing music on the background and switching views


imageNamed @ play.png UIImage stretchableButtonImageNormal buttonImageNormal stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 0 topCapHeight 0 MusicButton setBackgroundImage stretchableButtonImageNormal forState UIControlStateNormal myMusic pause else UIImage buttonImageNormal.. imageNamed @ pause.png UIImage stretchableButtonImageNormal buttonImageNormal stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 0 topCapHeight 0 MusicButton setBackgroundImage stretchableButtonImageNormal forState UIControlStateNormal NSLog @ Music play myMusic play..

Changing the background color of a UIAlertView?


blueColor UIImage theImage UIImage imageNamed @ Background.png theImage theImage stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 16 topCapHeight 16 CGSize theSize theAlert frame .size UIGraphicsBeginImageContext theSize theImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 theSize.width..