

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: toremove

Any demo example Multiple Map Annotation using plist?


fooPath NSLog @ @ contentArray Use Below code for showing multiple annotations on your map. NSMutableArray toRemove NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity 10 for id annotation in yourMapView.annotations if annotation yourMapView.userLocation.. arrayWithCapacity 10 for id annotation in yourMapView.annotations if annotation yourMapView.userLocation toRemove addObject annotation yourMapView removeAnnotations toRemove yourMapView.delegate self yourMapView setMapType MKMapTypeStandard.. if annotation yourMapView.userLocation toRemove addObject annotation yourMapView removeAnnotations toRemove yourMapView.delegate self yourMapView setMapType MKMapTypeStandard MKCoordinateRegion region MKCoordinateSpan span span.latitudeDelta..

How to remove all annotations from MKMapView without removing the blue dot?


all of them which are not the user location you can then remove them using the removeAnnotations method NSInteger toRemoveCount myMap.annotations.count NSMutableArray toRemove NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity toRemoveCount for id annotation in.. can then remove them using the removeAnnotations method NSInteger toRemoveCount myMap.annotations.count NSMutableArray toRemove NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity toRemoveCount for id annotation in myMap.annotations if annotation myMap.userLocation toRemove.. method NSInteger toRemoveCount myMap.annotations.count NSMutableArray toRemove NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity toRemoveCount for id annotation in myMap.annotations if annotation myMap.userLocation toRemove addObject annotation myMap removeAnnotations..

How to convert NSString to HEX String in Objective-C?


cStringUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding length strlen str cStringUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding for NSString toRemove in NSArray arrayWithObjects @ @ @ nil hexStr hexStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString toRemove withString @ NSLog @ @.. for NSString toRemove in NSArray arrayWithObjects @ @ @ nil hexStr hexStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString toRemove withString @ NSLog @ @ hexStr which should give an output like 48656c6c6f20576f726c64 Optimising this is left as an exercise..