

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: torect

UIView Animation Inconsistent Result


UIScrollView in my view controller in which I have my UIViews. I alos have this method void translateView UIView view toRect CGRect rect withDuration CGFloat duration UIView animateWithDuration duration animations ^ view.frame rect completion ^.. works great I call it like below the loop of course calling this 7 times on different views self translateView cell toRect translationRect withDuration 0.7 However I can't then call this again immediately afterwards just nothing happens. Although..

Blur an image of specific part (rectangular, circular)?


you. Method 1 Cropping the Image #pragma mark Cropping the Image UIImage croppIngimageByImageName UIImage imageToCrop toRect CGRect rect CGImageRef imageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect imageToCrop CGImage rect UIImage cropped UIImage imageWithCGImage.. cropRect.size.width cropRect.size.height croppedImg self croppIngimageByImageName self.imageView.image toRect cropRect Blur Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithGaussianBlur9 Contrast Effect croppedImg croppedImg imageWithContrast..

How to create an image from a UIView / UIScrollView


get it. Here's my solution based on a few different ones from the web UIImage imageByCropping UIScrollView imageToCrop toRect CGRect rect CGSize pageSize rect.size UIGraphicsBeginImageContext pageSize CGContextRef resizedContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

How to adjust font size of label to fit the rectangle?


at 300 pt and tries to fit the label in the targeted rectangle by reducing the font size. void sizeLabel UILabel label toRect CGRect labelRect Set the frame of the label to the targeted rectangle label.frame labelRect Try all font sizes from largest..

iPhone - CGImageCreateWithImageInRect rotating some camera roll pictures


you are static inline double radians double degrees return degrees M_PI 180 UIImage cropImage UIImage originalImage toRect CGRect rect CGImageRef imageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect originalImage CGImage rect CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo CGImageGetBitmapInfo..