

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: totalbytes

How do I find the size of my Core Data persistent store and the free space on the file system?


size in bytes unsigned long long NSArray allStores self.persistentStoreCoordinator persistentStores unsigned long long totalBytes 0 NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager for NSPersistentStore store in allStores if store.URL isFileURL.. URL path DebugLog @ persistent store path @ path NSDictionary has a category to assist with NSFileManager attributes totalBytes fileManager attributesOfItemAtPath path error NULL fileSize Note that the code above is in a method of my app delegate and..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


2 channelCount SInt16 normalizeMax 0 NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading UInt64 totalBytes 0 SInt64 totalLeft 0 SInt64 totalRight 0 NSInteger sampleTally 0 NSInteger samplesPerPixel sampleRate 50 while reader.status.. blockBufferRef CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer sampleBufferRef size_t length CMBlockBufferGetDataLength blockBufferRef totalBytes length NSAutoreleasePool wader NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSMutableData data NSMutableData dataWithLength length CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes.. NSLog @ normalizeMax f normalizeMax NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading UInt64 totalBytes 0 Float64 totalLeft 0 Float64 totalRight 0 Float32 sampleTally 0 NSInteger samplesPerPixel sampleRate 50 while reader.status..