

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: totalbuff

How to copy songs from iPod Library to app and play with AVAudioPlayer?


fileURL fileHandle seekToEndOfFile AVAssetReaderOutput output myOutputs objectAtIndex 0 int totalBuff 0 while TRUE CMSampleBufferRef ref output copyNextSampleBuffer if ref NULL break copy data to file read next one AudioBufferList.. audioBuffer.mDataByteSize written fwrite frame sizeof Float32 audioBuffer.mDataByteSize f NSLog @ Wrote d written totalBuff CFRelease blockBuffer CFRelease ref fileHandle writeData data NSLog @ writting d frame for amounts of buffers d data.length..

iOS 5.0 crash when reading data from an AVAssetReaderOutput


the end with bad access not sure why anyone have any input AVAssetReaderOutput output myOutputs objectAtIndex 0 int totalBuff 0 while TRUE CMSampleBufferRef ref output copyNextSampleBuffer if ref NULL break copy data to file read next one AudioBufferList.. NSLog @ Gonna write d audioBuffer.mDataByteSize crashes here data appendBytes frame length audioBuffer.mDataByteSize totalBuff CFRelease blockBuffer CFRelease ref fileHandle writeData data data release Thanks Daniel iphone ios audio avfoundation.. fileURL fileHandle seekToEndOfFile AVAssetReaderOutput output myOutputs objectAtIndex 0 int totalBuff 0 BOOL one TRUE while TRUE CMSampleBufferRef ref output copyNextSampleBuffer NSLog @ @ ref if ref NULL break copy data..