

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: totarget

What is the basic difference between NSTimer, NSTask, NSThread and NSRunloop?


created. An easy way of performing a method in a new thread NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector theSelector toTarget self withObject nil Inter thread communication can be tricky and you should be aware of the methods performSelector onThread..

Bug in UIKit string drawing method?


UIFont font UIFont systemFontOfSize 12 for int i 2 i NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector threadFunc toTarget self withObject font EDIT It is nearly instant only in multi core environments i.e. a dual core device or the simulator..

Iphone Core Data crashing on Save


20 10 UIKit 0x3096e0d0 UIApplication sendAction to from forEvent 128 11 UIKit 0x3096e038 UIApplication sendAction toTarget fromSender forEvent 32 12 UIKit 0x3096e000 UIControl sendAction to forEvent 44 13 UIKit 0x3096dc58 UIControl Internal..

How do I do an Asychronous NSURLConnection inside an NSOperation?


NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http google.com NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector downloadAndParse toTarget self withObject url self didChangeValueForKey @ isExecuting else If it's already been cancelled mark the operation as finished...

How to save the content in UIWebView for faster loading on next launch?


here if no cache populate it asynchronously and return nil NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector populateCacheFor toTarget self withObject request else NSLog @ ignoring cache for @ request return cacheResponse void populateCacheFor NSURLRequest..

Difference between [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:] and -performSelectorInBackground


withObject The effect of calling this method is the same as if you called the detachNewThreadSelector toTarget withObject method of NSThread with the current object selector and parameter object as parameters. share improve this answer..

How do i stop NSXMLParser?


does everything after if success here is my code void viewDidLoad NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector loadstuff toTarget self withObject nil void loadstuff NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init xmlParser NSXMLParser alloc initWithContentsOfURL.. you detach your new thread void viewDidLoad self.cancelThread NO NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector loadstuff toTarget self withObject nil and then inside your viewWillDisappear method set it to be YES void viewWillDisappear BOOL animated..

NSThread vs. NSOperationQueue vs. ??? on the iPhone


Currently I'm using NSThread to cache images in another thread. NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector cacheImage toTarget self withObject image Alternately self performSelectorInBackground @selector cacheImage withObject image Alternately I can..

Warning: UIKit should not be called from a secondary thread


web server as this can take some time I'm using threads like this NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector sendStuff toTarget self withObject nil void sendStuff NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init Need to get the string from the textField.. the textField. If reading the value is the only thing you can do NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector sendStuff toTarget self withObject self.textField.text void sendStuff NSString myString NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init..

NSXMLParser memory leak on ios 4.0 - **NOT** NSCFString


Ideas Appreciate any light you can shed Here's the code NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector parseXML toTarget self withObject requestStr which calls this method on its own thread void parseXML NSString theURL NSAutoreleasePool pool..

Why is my CLLocationmanager delegate not getting called?


NSDictionary options ... app setup snip NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector postLaunchSetupThread toTarget self withObject nil void postLaunchSetupThread NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool new ... other setup snip self setupLocationManager..

iphone ios running in separate thread


thread What is the best way to run code on a separate thread Is it NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doStuff toTarget self withObject NULL Or NSOperationQueue queue NSOperationQueue new NSInvocationOperation operation NSInvocationOperation..

What do the colors and percentages mean in the Leaks Instrument?


Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


through an NSOperation. For manual background threading you can use NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


24 12 UIKit 0x32ee5ec9 UIApplication sendAction to from forEvent 84 13 UIKit 0x32ee5e69 UIApplication sendAction toTarget fromSender forEvent 32 14 UIKit 0x32ee5e3b UIControl sendAction to forEvent 38 15 UIKit 0x32ee5b8d UIControl Internal..

App “failed to resume in time” and hangs


46 33 UIKit 0x375d19e4 UIApplication sendAction to from forEvent 56 34 UIKit 0x375d19a0 UIApplication sendAction toTarget fromSender forEvent 24 35 UIKit 0x375d197e UIControl sendAction to forEvent 38 36 UIKit 0x375d16ee UIControl Internal _sendActionsForEvents..

How to exit NSThread


to exit NSThread I am using a thread like this NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector myfunction toTarget self withObject the thread is running correctly I want to quit the thread in the middle how can I do this.If I use NSThread..

What is a better way to create a game loop on the iPhone other than using NSTimer?


pool release void startLoop running YES #ifdef THREADED_ANIMATION NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector gameLoop toTarget self withObject nil #else timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0f 60 target self selector @selector renderFrame..