

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchpoint

How to rotate and resize the image view with single finger


touchStart.y kResizeThumbSize void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchPoint touches anyObject locationInView imageView CGPoint previous touches anyObject previousLocationInView imageView UITouch touch.. previous touches anyObject previousLocationInView imageView UITouch touch event allTouches anyObject float deltaWidth touchPoint.x previous.x float deltaHeight touchPoint.y previous.y if isResizingLR containerVw.frame CGRectMake containerVw.frame.origin.x.. imageView UITouch touch event allTouches anyObject float deltaWidth touchPoint.x previous.x float deltaHeight touchPoint.y previous.y if isResizingLR containerVw.frame CGRectMake containerVw.frame.origin.x containerVw.frame.origin.y touchPoint.x..

How to register touch event cocos3d


a touch event in cocos3d such as TOUCHESBEGAN but that does not exist only void touchEvent uint touchType at CGPoint touchPoint NSLog @ hello Bu that does not log hello . How can this be done iphone objective c cocos3d share improve this question..

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


addSubview button return cell void buttonClicked id sender Getting the indexPath of cell of clicked button CGPoint touchPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tblView NSIndexPath indexPath tblView indexPathForRowAtPoint touchPoint No need to.. CGPoint touchPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tblView NSIndexPath indexPath tblView indexPathForRowAtPoint touchPoint No need to use tag sender will keep the reference of clicked button UIButton button UIButton sender Checking the condition..

How to get objects to react to touches in Cocos2D?


return NO NSLog @ ccTouchBegan returns YES return YES void ccTouchMoved UITouch touch withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView touch view touchPoint CCDirector sharedDirector convertToGL touchPoint NSLog @ ccTouch Moved is called.. return YES void ccTouchMoved UITouch touch withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView touch view touchPoint CCDirector sharedDirector convertToGL touchPoint NSLog @ ccTouch Moved is called void ccTouchEnded UITouch touch withEvent.. UIEvent event CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView touch view touchPoint CCDirector sharedDirector convertToGL touchPoint NSLog @ ccTouch Moved is called void ccTouchEnded UITouch touch withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ ccTouchEnded is called @end..

How can I tell when something outside my UITableViewCell has been touched?


it itself . Maybe something like this pseudo code void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchPoint TBD may need translate to cell's coordinates for UITableViewCell aCell in theTableView visibleCells if aCell pointInside.. may need translate to cell's coordinates for UITableViewCell aCell in theTableView visibleCells if aCell pointInside touchPoint withEvent event aCell resignFirstResponder I'm not sure if this is the best way to go about this. There doesn't seem to..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


delegate release super dealloc void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self.delegate return CGPoint touchPoint event touchesForView self anyObject locationInView self CGFloat dotSpanX self.numberOfPages kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGFloat.. kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGFloat dotSpanY kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGRect currentBounds self.bounds CGFloat x touchPoint.x dotSpanX 2 CGRectGetMidX currentBounds CGFloat y touchPoint.y dotSpanY 2 CGRectGetMidY currentBounds if x 0 x dotSpanX.. kDotSpacer CGRect currentBounds self.bounds CGFloat x touchPoint.x dotSpanX 2 CGRectGetMidX currentBounds CGFloat y touchPoint.y dotSpanY 2 CGRectGetMidY currentBounds if x 0 x dotSpanX y 0 y dotSpanY return self.currentPage floor x kDotDiameter kDotSpacer..

How to add a push pin to a MKMapView(IOS) when touching?


UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer if gestureRecognizer.state UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan return CGPoint touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView self.mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate self.mapView convertPoint touchPoint.. gestureRecognizer locationInView self.mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate self.mapView convertPoint touchPoint toCoordinateFromView self.mapView YourMKAnnotationClass annot YourMKAnnotationClass alloc init annot.coordinate touchMapCoordinate..

How do you get the touchesBegan coordinates when a UIButton is triggered?


as below void dragBegan UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog @ dragBegan...... UITouch touch ev allTouches anyObject CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView self.view NSLog @ Touch x f y f touchPoint.x touchPoint.y void dragMoving UIControl c withEvent ev.. UITouch touch ev allTouches anyObject CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView self.view NSLog @ Touch x f y f touchPoint.x touchPoint.y void dragMoving UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog @ dragMoving...... void dragEnded UIControl c withEvent ev.. touch ev allTouches anyObject CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView self.view NSLog @ Touch x f y f touchPoint.x touchPoint.y void dragMoving UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog @ dragMoving...... void dragEnded UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog @ dragEnded........

Reduce UIImage size to a manageable size (reduce bytes)


Calculate angle for rotation in Pie Chart


question Glad I remember triginometry void degreesToRotateObjectWithPosition CGPoint objPos andTouchPoint CGPoint touchPoint float dX touchPoint.x objPos.x distance along X float dY touchPoint.y objPos.y distance along Y float radians atan2 dY dX.. remember triginometry void degreesToRotateObjectWithPosition CGPoint objPos andTouchPoint CGPoint touchPoint float dX touchPoint.x objPos.x distance along X float dY touchPoint.y objPos.y distance along Y float radians atan2 dY dX tan opp adj Now we.. CGPoint objPos andTouchPoint CGPoint touchPoint float dX touchPoint.x objPos.x distance along X float dY touchPoint.y objPos.y distance along Y float radians atan2 dY dX tan opp adj Now we have to convert radians to degrees float degrees..

Create overlay from user interaction on MKMapView?


UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer if gestureRecognizer.state UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan return CGPoint touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate mapView convertPoint touchPoint toCoordinateFromView.. touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView mapView CLLocationCoordinate2D touchMapCoordinate mapView convertPoint touchPoint toCoordinateFromView mapView add pin where user touched down... MKPointAnnotation pa MKPointAnnotation alloc init pa.coordinate..

(iPhone) selectedRange for a non-editable UITextView (or other methods of click handling?)


is not editable the following code in the UITextView 's always returns the length of the entire text block NSRange touchPoint self.selectedRange NSLog @ Selection d touchPoint.location This makes sense I suppose as with a non editable UITextView.. 's always returns the length of the entire text block NSRange touchPoint self.selectedRange NSLog @ Selection d touchPoint.location This makes sense I suppose as with a non editable UITextView there's no way to select an insertion point but it's..

iPhone, Map, Clickable non-rectangular areas


whenever the user touches for each region check whether it contains the touch point if CGPathContainsPoint path null touchPoint false ... And don't forget to release when you're done with the regions CGPathRelease path Note that you can create several..

Getting selected elements programatically from uiwebview?


the CGPoint for the tap by using UITapGestureRecognizer . void singleTap UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer CGPoint touchPoint gestureRecognizer locationInView myWebView NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ document.elementFromPoint f f .toString.. locationInView myWebView NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ document.elementFromPoint f f .toString touchPoint.x touchPoint.y NSString tagName myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString js NSLog @ Selected Name @ tagName In log.. locationInView myWebView NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ document.elementFromPoint f f .toString touchPoint.x touchPoint.y NSString tagName myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString js NSLog @ Selected Name @ tagName In log it is displaying..