

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchesended

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?


touchesBeganCallback touches event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void reset void ignoreTouch..

Intercepting/Hijacking iPhone Touch Events for MKMapView


touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s x __FUNCTION__ mViewTouched map touchesMoved touches withEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s x __FUNCTION__ mViewTouched map touchesEnded touches withEvent event iphone.. withEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s x __FUNCTION__ mViewTouched map touchesEnded touches withEvent event iphone events gesture recognition share improve this question The best way I have found to.. touchesBeganCallback touches event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void reset void ignoreTouch..

Dragging an UIView inside UIScrollView


Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


to a new ViewController object. But I can not scroll the UITableView despite passing the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded events. iphone uitableview multi touch pinch share improve this question This seems to be a classic problem. In my..

Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application


int LasttouchX LasttouchPoint.x startpoint LasttouchX void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint LasttouchPoint touch locationInView self.view..

iPhone smooth sketch drawing algorithm


void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event and when the user lefts a finger from the screen I called void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event then I draw all the points in the array using NSMutableArray points collectedArray..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


forEvent 38 15 UIKit 0x32ee5b8d UIControl Internal _sendActionsForEvents withEvent 356 16 UIKit 0x32ee6423 UIControl touchesEnded withEvent 342 17 UIKit 0x32ee4bf5 UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent 368 18 UIKit 0x32ee456f UIWindow sendEvent 262 19 UIKit..

Responding to touchesBegan in UIPickerView instead of UIView


UIEvent event method to return self so you have control over the touchesBegan withEvent touchesMoved withEvent and touchesEnded withEvent methods. In these methods in order to keep the standard functionalities of the UIPickerView you MUST remember..

Is there a way to pass touches through on the iPhone?


calls the touches began section to start the main area touching operation. However at this point the touchesMoved and touchesEnded are obviously not being called because the touches originated on the UIButton. Is there a way to half ignore the touches..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


to a control scrolling will never happen. Note that it is UIScrollView that receives all touchesBegin touchesMoved touchesEnded and touchesCanceled events from CocoaTouch because its hitTest tells it to do so . It then forwards them to the inner view.. before they are mutated. Given that you always forward touchesBegan you also have to forward touchesCancelled and touchesEnded . You have to turn touchesEnded into touchesCancelled however because UIScrollView would interpret touchesBegan touchesEnded.. that you always forward touchesBegan you also have to forward touchesCancelled and touchesEnded . You have to turn touchesEnded into touchesCancelled however because UIScrollView would interpret touchesBegan touchesEnded sequence as a touch click and..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


them all 2 respect the usual flow of touch events i.e. touchesBegan than some number of touchesBegan touchesMoved touchesEnded finished with touchesEnded or touchesCancelled especially when dealing with UIScrollView. #2 can be tricky. If you decide.. usual flow of touch events i.e. touchesBegan than some number of touchesBegan touchesMoved touchesEnded finished with touchesEnded or touchesCancelled especially when dealing with UIScrollView. #2 can be tricky. If you decide the event is for UIScrollView..

how can i detect the touch event of an UIImageView


from UIResponder so it's ready to handle touch events. You'll want to provide the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded methods and they'll get called if the user taps the image. If all you want is a tap event it's easier to just use a custom..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl doesn't get back to previous state. (Not dismissing)


delegate ... @end In BController.m file add this @implementation BController @synthesize delegate ... void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event self.delegate dismissMe In the AController.h file add this #import BController.h @interface..

Handling touches inside UIWebview


inside UIWebview I have created a subclass of UIWebView and have implemented the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded methods. but the webview subclass is not handling the touch events. Is there any method to handle the touch events inside..