

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchpoint.x

How to rotate and resize the image view with single finger


previous touches anyObject previousLocationInView imageView UITouch touch event allTouches anyObject float deltaWidth touchPoint.x previous.x float deltaHeight touchPoint.y previous.y if isResizingLR containerVw.frame CGRectMake containerVw.frame.origin.x.. previous.y if isResizingLR containerVw.frame CGRectMake containerVw.frame.origin.x containerVw.frame.origin.y touchPoint.x deltaWidth touchPoint.y deltaWidth imageView.frame CGRectMake imageView.frame.origin.x imageView.frame.origin.y touchPoint.x.. deltaWidth touchPoint.y deltaWidth imageView.frame CGRectMake imageView.frame.origin.x imageView.frame.origin.y touchPoint.x deltaWidth touchPoint.y deltaWidth dragIm.frame CGRectMake containerVw.frame.size.width 10 containerVw.frame.size.height..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGFloat dotSpanY kDotDiameter kDotSpacer CGRect currentBounds self.bounds CGFloat x touchPoint.x dotSpanX 2 CGRectGetMidX currentBounds CGFloat y touchPoint.y dotSpanY 2 CGRectGetMidY currentBounds if x 0 x dotSpanX y..

How do you get the touchesBegan coordinates when a UIButton is triggered?


UITouch touch ev allTouches anyObject CGPoint touchPoint touch locationInView self.view NSLog @ Touch x f y f touchPoint.x touchPoint.y void dragMoving UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog @ dragMoving...... void dragEnded UIControl c withEvent ev NSLog..

Calculate angle for rotation in Pie Chart


remember triginometry void degreesToRotateObjectWithPosition CGPoint objPos andTouchPoint CGPoint touchPoint float dX touchPoint.x objPos.x distance along X float dY touchPoint.y objPos.y distance along Y float radians atan2 dY dX tan opp adj Now we have..

Getting selected elements programatically from uiwebview?


locationInView myWebView NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ document.elementFromPoint f f .toString touchPoint.x touchPoint.y NSString tagName myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString js NSLog @ Selected Name @ tagName In log.. the following js in your tap handler NSString js NSString stringWithFormat @ document.elementFromPoint f f .innerHTML touchPoint.x touchPoint.y when creating your tap gesture handler specify a delegate for it it can be your controller tap1.delegate self..