

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touristguide

core data application is Crashing in iphone device


if managedObjectModel nil return managedObjectModel NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ TouristGuide withExtension @ momd managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL modelURL NSLog @ @ modelURL return.. persistentStoreCoordinator NSString storePath self applicationDocumentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ TouristGuide.sqlite NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager If the expected store doesn't exist copy the default store... store. if fileManager fileExistsAtPath storePath NSString defaultStorePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ TouristGuide ofType @ sqlite if defaultStorePath fileManager copyItemAtPath defaultStorePath toPath storePath error NULL NSURL storeUrl..