

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: tovalue

iOS Paper fold (origami / accordion) effect animation, with manual control


animationWithKeyPath @ position.x function openFunction fromValue self.frame.origin.x self.frame.size.width 2 toValue selfFrame.origin.x self.frame.size.width 2 openAnimation.fillMode kCAFillModeForwards openAnimation setRemovedOnCompletion..

CGAffineTransformMakeRotation counter clockwise always


In response to comments maybe this will help In my code I actually use rotationAnimation.fromValue rotationAnimation.toValue instead of rotationAnimation.byValue. The rotation is always going to be counter clockwise if the toValue is less than the.. instead of rotationAnimation.byValue. The rotation is always going to be counter clockwise if the toValue is less than the fromValue. It doesn't matter if your values are positive or negative only the relation between them. Figure.. CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rotationAnimation.fromValue 0 rotationAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat angle rotationAnimation.duration duration rotationAnimation.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction..

UISegmentedControl register taps on selected segment


You can subclass UISegmentedControl and then override setSelectedSegmentIndex void setSelectedSegmentIndex NSInteger toValue if self.selectedSegmentIndex toValue super setSelectedSegmentIndex UISegmentedControlNoSegment else super setSelectedSegmentIndex.. and then override setSelectedSegmentIndex void setSelectedSegmentIndex NSInteger toValue if self.selectedSegmentIndex toValue super setSelectedSegmentIndex UISegmentedControlNoSegment else super setSelectedSegmentIndex toValue If using IB make sure.. toValue super setSelectedSegmentIndex UISegmentedControlNoSegment else super setSelectedSegmentIndex toValue If using IB make sure you set the class of your UISegmentedControl to your subclass. Now you can listen for the same UIControlEventValueChanged..

How do I fade in /out a rectangle or text?


0.5f fadeOutAnimation.removedOnCompletion NO fadeOutAnimation.fillMode kCAFillModeForwards fadeOutAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 0.0f viewToFadeOut.layer addAnimation fadeOutAnimation forKey @ animateOpacity If all you want..

How does undo/redo basically work on iPhone OS?


Add edit item to the undo stack undo prepareWithInvocationTarget self changeKeyPath keyPath ofObject object toValue oldValue Set the undo action name in the menu undo setActionName @ Edit can be used to observe changes in properties creating..

How to create custom easing function with Core Animation?


Parametric id animationWithKeyPath NSString path function KeyframeParametricBlock block fromValue double fromValue toValue double toValue CAKeyframeAnimation Parametric.m @implementation CAKeyframeAnimation Parametric id animationWithKeyPath NSString.. id animationWithKeyPath NSString path function KeyframeParametricBlock block fromValue double fromValue toValue double toValue CAKeyframeAnimation Parametric.m @implementation CAKeyframeAnimation Parametric id animationWithKeyPath NSString path function.. Parametric id animationWithKeyPath NSString path function KeyframeParametricBlock block fromValue double fromValue toValue double toValue get a keyframe animation to set up CAKeyframeAnimation animation CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath..

How do you explicitly animate a CALayer's backgroundColor?


iphone cocoa osx core animation share improve this question You don't need to wrap CGColorRefs when setting the toValue or fromValue properties of a CABasicAnimation. Simply use the CGColorRef. To avoid the compiler warning you can cast the.. to red. CABasicAnimation selectionAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ backgroundColor selectionAnimation.toValue id UIColor redColor .CGColor self.view.layer addAnimation selectionAnimation forKey @ selectionAnimation However when the..