

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchesshouldbegin

UITextView disabling text selection [duplicate]


only After the selection BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view I don't see that getting fired at all BOOL touchesShouldBegin NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event inContentView UIView view I don't see that getting fired either What am I missing..

UIScrollView touchesBegan


switching between views in iphone programming [duplicate]


UITableView: scrolling programmatically the content view


CGPoint tPoint touch locationInView self previousYPan tPoint.y super touchesBegan touches withEvent event super touchesShouldBegin touches withEvent event inContentView self self nextResponder touchesBegan touches withEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet..

iPhone - UIScrollView and UIDatePicker scrolling conflict : the one interfer with the second


Just make the class with that code inside it UIScrollViewBreaker.h @interface UIScrollViewBreaker UIScrollView BOOL touchesShouldBegin NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event inContentView UIView view BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view @end UIScrollViewBreaker.m.. BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view @end UIScrollViewBreaker.m @implementation UIScrollViewBreaker BOOL touchesShouldBegin NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event inContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker class @ UIPickerTable.. @ UIPickerTable isEqualToString view class description view isKindOfClass UIPicker class return YES return super touchesShouldBegin touches withEvent event inContentView view BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view if view isKindOfClass UIDatePicker..

UIScrollView prevents touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded on view controller


own purposes but I subclassed UIScrollView and just to see if I could get it to work I am returning YES always from touchesShouldBegin withEvent inContentView and NO always from touchesShouldCancelInContentView . Still doesn't work. If it makes a difference..