

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchevent

How to register touch event cocos3d


tried to find a way of registering a touch event in cocos3d such as TOUCHESBEGAN but that does not exist only void touchEvent uint touchType at CGPoint touchPoint NSLog @ hello Bu that does not log hello . How can this be done iphone objective c.. share improve this question Not sure if you are still interested with the answer but here goes. In order to use touchEvent in cocos3d you need to enable touch in the CC3Layer in the initializeControls method self.isTouchEnabled YES Then you can..

How to simulate multi-touch with GSEvent on jailbroken device?


identity int x int y GSHandInfoType type touch static void sendTouches touch touches if touches_count 1 return uint8_t touchEvent sizeof GSEventRecord sizeof GSHandInfo sizeof GSPathInfo touches_count structure of touch GSEvent struct GSTouchEvent GSEventRecord.. structure of touch GSEvent struct GSTouchEvent GSEventRecord record GSHandInfo handInfo event struct GSTouchEvent touchEvent bzero touchEvent sizeof touchEvent set up GSEvent event record.type kGSEventHand event record.subtype kGSEventSubTypeUnknown.. touch GSEvent struct GSTouchEvent GSEventRecord record GSHandInfo handInfo event struct GSTouchEvent touchEvent bzero touchEvent sizeof touchEvent set up GSEvent event record.type kGSEventHand event record.subtype kGSEventSubTypeUnknown event record.windowLocation..

iPhone HTML5 App Scrolling Question


event. This will effectively disable bounce if your web page completely fits in the viewport. function stopScrolling touchEvent touchEvent.preventDefault document.addEventListener 'touchstart' stopScrolling false document.addEventListener 'touchmove'.. will effectively disable bounce if your web page completely fits in the viewport. function stopScrolling touchEvent touchEvent.preventDefault document.addEventListener 'touchstart' stopScrolling false document.addEventListener 'touchmove' stopScrolling..

How to disable vertical bounce/scroll on iPhone in a mobile web application


btw Update I actually managed to get the code from the first answer working somewhat function stopScrolling touchEvent touchEvent.preventDefault document.addEventListener 'touchstart' stopScrolling false document.addEventListener 'touchmove'.. btw Update I actually managed to get the code from the first answer working somewhat function stopScrolling touchEvent touchEvent.preventDefault document.addEventListener 'touchstart' stopScrolling false document.addEventListener 'touchmove' stopScrolling..