

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchlocation.y

how to replace images in puzzle game


touch event allTouches anyObject CGPoint touchLocation touch locationInView self.view NSLog @ f f touchLocation.x touchLocation.y Now what i need to when ever one image view comes near to the another image view then i need to exchange their positions...

Custom UISlider: avoid updating when dragging outside


NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchLocation touches anyObject locationInView self if touchLocation.x 0 touchLocation.y 0 return if touchLocation.x self.bounds.size.width touchLocation.y self.bounds.size.height return super touchesBegan touches.. anyObject locationInView self if touchLocation.x 0 touchLocation.y 0 return if touchLocation.x self.bounds.size.width touchLocation.y self.bounds.size.height return super touchesBegan touches withEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent.. NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event CGPoint touchLocation touches anyObject locationInView self if touchLocation.x 0 touchLocation.y 0 return if touchLocation.x self.bounds.size.width touchLocation.y self.bounds.size.height return super touchesMoved touches..